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rke question


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before anyone starts...YES i tried the search function, but couldn't find my specific answer. so, did the wiring for the rke module connector change between 90 and 93? my 90 had rke when i got it, but it didn't work when i got it and id didn't bother to find out why until recently. :oops:

now that i put in a 93 dash harness, i'm wondering if that could be why when i ground the programming wire nothing happens. maybe i need to change a little wiring where the rke wiring meets the dash harness?

any thoughts anyone?

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Not sure if it changed from 90 to 93 but I do have a single connector box from a 94 Regal in my 91 Cutlass. Though somewhere along the line they added a 2 connector box (controls for the interior lights). My 93 Regal has that.


Another possibabity why it isn't working is the solder joints are known to break overtime and it will cause the box to be inop.

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i checked the solder joints visually. i guess the only other thing to do is break out the multimeter and test them individually. the car i got my new dash harness had power locks, so i'm assuming there would be no additional wiring? unfortunately that was the only option it had, so maybe the keyless requires additional wiring in the dash harness area?

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I don't think it's a wiring problem. Those old RKE modules (black TRW box) were a POS... me and Hyeboy went through about three of them from junkyard cards and couldn't find one that works properly. I got lucky on my old 90 STE, it didn't come with remotes, but as soon as I found one for it was able to ground the programming wire and "click" ready to go!

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