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need part # for non-AC idler pulley 3.1MPFI

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My roomate says there was a threaded hole on the block on his 2.8 for it....I don't see why yours should be different.




I've got a service manual to a 1991 Beretta.....................and for the life of me I cannot find the torque spec for the idler.


It appears to be a 15 mm headed bolt from the pictures. So. I would use the torque spec for the rear bolts of the compressor...........36 lb-ft.


......or you could use the torque spec for the tensioner bolt.


Which is 40 lb-ft. Both are the same diameter bolts.


Its your call. ;)

Guest TurboSedan

i'll post some more pics tomarrow....


i'm a little late with the pics, but here is the idler pulley installed:


mounting hole in timing cover:




idler pulley installed:




thanks again for the help Canada :)

Guest TurboSedan
Nice... so is there a certain belt PN for this, or do we have to measure it ourselves?


i used part NAPA part# 060615 and it fits great (that's for the 3.1 MPFI of course). i asked for a belt for an '88 Corsica with a 2.8 V6 and no AC.


An FYI, the HELP! line makes bypass kits for AC deletion as well, I was looking through a pamphlet today at work and saw them. Just another route people can take I guess.


so the LQ1 does not have this mounting hole?


i'll have to check next time i'm at work.

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