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need part # for non-AC idler pulley 3.1MPFI

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Guest TurboSedan

well i've completely removed all AC from my car, so i will need an idler pully in place of the stock AC compressor (at least i think i do). do i need a different belt too? what cars came with the 2.8/3.1 MPFI and NO air conditioning? i might try looking around in the salvage yard for a base model non AC 2.8 Corsica or something before i buy a new idler....depending on the cost of a new unit. hell are they even available new?



Guest TurboSedan

in a salvage yard? i wouldn't doubt it....unless you live in Canada lol.


i'll be calling Advance/Checker/Napa/Stealership tomarrow and hopefully i can find one cheap.


WHY? its totally unnecesary for a 2.8/3.1 just get a shorter belt.


Josh, search the TGPForum, I remember a old post there that went into detail about the part you're looking for. :wink:


Just shortening the pulley can have negative effects, as the remaining pulleys end up with more stress on them...............thus, in hard use, shit breaks (stuff that normally wouldn't be fazed by 200+k of driving breaks in a short time).


Go have a look at Car and Drivers' latest attempt at the 25hr Thunderhill race for a good example :wink:


Post what you find out. I removed my A/C also, but I still need the compressor for the belt to ride on.


I think only 88's came with A/C delete option. Maybe some 89's, but after that, I think most came standard with A/C. Hopefully that narrows your search a little.


Typically I don't like to tell people to search.......but less than a month ago I posted the part numbers. ;)


10044867 for the 2.8/3.1. $29.02 list, $14.51 + shipping from GMPD. It comes with the mounting hardware.




Don't forget......with simply using a shorter belt you really don't get much belt contact with the water pump...I'd be scared of the belt slipping on that bare steel pulley. Also....if you do opt for the short belt, the belt is to short for anything in 5 rib....you have to go to four. I don't like that either.


Don't cheap out if you are removing your A/C.....buy the idler from GM. It doesn't cost much.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TurboSedan

well i picked up the idler pulley from GM today - cost $20.31 + tax. it is just the pulley though; the only mounting hardware it includes is the center bolt :? so i have no way to mount it. i guess i better start looking for a non AC bracket from a 2.8/3.1 car in the salvage yard...


i'll get some pics of this thing later today/tomarrow.

would this work on the LQ1 engine?


Yes it will. You will need to make a braket, unless someone can get hold of the bracket PN.

Guest TurboSedan
would this work on the LQ1 engine?


Yes it will. You will need to make a braket, unless someone can get hold of the bracket PN.


i'll be hunting a local junkyard soon. they have alot of old L & J bodies with 2.8s and 3.1s. hopefully i can find one, but if i find any more i'll get them.


My roomate says there was a threaded hole on the block on his 2.8 for it....I don't see why yours should be different.

Guest TurboSedan
My roomate says there was a threaded hole on the block on his 2.8 for it....I don't see why yours should be different.


whoa!!!! i just assumed it would be mounted exactly where the AC pulley was; so i thought there would be a special bracket for it. i'm gonna go run out to my garage and check my block for that hole right now....

Guest TurboSedan
Good.......there is also a different belt that it uses. ;)


good to know; i wasn't sure if the serpentine belt was a different length or not. btw, the hole is actually in the timing cover from what i can tell - there is one bolt hole in the timing cover that is the correct size and is not used by anything else...so i think it is the right one. i bolted the new pulley to it and it is perfectly inline with the rest of the pulleys, kickass! that would explain the different length belt. this means no bracket to worry about :) do you know the torque spec of the idler pulley bolt?


thanks for the info Canada bigthumbsup.gif


i'll post some more pics tomarrow....

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