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What shade of tint????


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Very nice Cutlass, man.


I've always ran 35% on my cars.. I've always wished I would have gone a shade darker.. perhaps I'll do 20%. I did 2.5% once... that lasted for about an hour before I got pissed at it and ripped it off.

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If you go darker than 50%, make sure your car doesn't "stand out from the crowd" so to speak. My wife got her car tinted 20% on the back and 35% on the sides. Well after getting her windows tinted, she really wanted a large "bowtie" sticker on her back window (and I even told her it was a dumb idea.) Well I helped her put the bowtie on, and not 2 days later she gets pulled over. Cop gave her a ticket for the tint being too dark (he even pulled out his "light meter" to measure the %age.) I was convinced it was because of that stupid bowtie. I told her there was no frickin' way I was scraping off her tint after spending close to 3 bills on it, but I did scrape that stupid bowtie off the window. That was over a year ago and she hasn't got stopped since I took off the bowtie.


Morale of the story, if your tint's illegal keep everything else on the down-low and the cops won't hassle ya...

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If you go darker than 50%, make sure your car doesn't "stand out from the crowd" so to speak.

Morale of the story, if your tint's illegal keep everything else on the down-low and the cops won't hassle ya...


Ohhhhh trust me.. I know! Back in HS, I was like that... had the car all dark.. went fawkin' around town all night and would eventually get nabbed for tint. I'd always redo it. I think after awhile, they just sat outside my driveway, waiting for me to put new tint on.


Once I got my first GP, I stopped screwing around and haven't been bothered since.

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