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We're BACK!!!


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We ran out of bandwidth on the previous host and were shut down without warning. As a result, I have moved the site to new hosting which provides over 3x the bandwidth. Unfortunately, I didn't have up-to-date backups of the forum database (yes, I realize I'm a lazy, complacent moron). My old host (Dixiesys) refused to release the backups because I had bandwidth overage fees on my account. As a result, I had planned to start the forum over from scratch. However, several users wanted the forum restored exactly the way it was, and they have graciously put up the cash to pay the overage fees and obtain the backups. The fees were paid quickly, but getting the backups from Dixiesys was like pulling teeth. Anyway, it took them nearly a week to make the backups available to me, and since the database was so large, I couldn't restore it myself. So that was another few days for my new host (Hostrocket) to import the database for me.


Now we are back up! A very special thanks to the following users for making it possible to restore the forum exactly the way it was (in no certain order):








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Guest TurboSedan

Now we are back up! A very special thanks to the following users for making it possible to restore the forum exactly the way it was (in no certain order):









just wanted to say thank you very much guys!!! i'm going to paypal a $20 to Shawn for maintaining the forum etc. later this week.

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Hey, anytime! It was the least I could do to keep this place alive. Lord knows I've hogged my share of bandwith over here in the past year.


Glad to see this place back up an running!

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woohoo!! glad you guys contributed!! Thanks a million. I was lost without this site for the last few weeks. I didn't know what to do online when this was down...(i know i know, get a life right?? :lol: )

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Glad to see everything back up and working again.

I was really starting to run out of things to do! The Internet is almost always the same, but the forum changes every day.

Thanks for everything, everybody

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Shawn & everyone that donated, thank you! I personally appreciate it, as I'm sure everyone else does. Shawn, if you can give me a paypal address, I'll donate $10-$20 to the site. I'm sure that others here would donate as well, even if it's only $5. You can either post it here, or PM it to me.

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hey how about a raffle or something that way we can donate annually?

maybe get some sponsers?? dunno just a thought- i know the aftermarket for w body isn't great but what if ???

i'm on other sites that do this annually-

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Shawn, for the people who have donated, and future people who want to donate, can you put an I Donated picture under our avatar?
And then put the "mooning" smiley next to that so all the non-donating members can pucker up! :lol: :lol: :lol: Aah, I keed, I keed...
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Shawn, for the people who have donated, and future people who want to donate, can you put an I Donated picture under our avatar?


Yeah, that's something I've been planning to do.

It'll have to be a mod though, because PHPBB doesn't have this built in.

At least not that I know of.

I'll have to look into it when I get back to work tomorrow or whenever... I called in sick today and not sure when I'll be well enough to go back to work.

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very nice...thanks to the good hearted members! I will see what I can come up with since I feel that I owe this site something for the 1000+ post I've made in the last 18 or so months.

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