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3.4 problems have me stumped

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ok, so friday i started work on the euro 3.4. i put a battery in it and drove it up to the shop. when i did it had almost ZERO power it felt so castrated and it was missing.


i got in the shop and pulled the plenum and lower intake, i figgured that at least 2 of the injectors were not pulseing correctly, so i replaced the complete fuel rail and injectors. i put it back together, and started it up, but the first few tries it wouden't start and it seemed to backfire through the intake then it started and didn't miss anymore but it was still running really rough. it will idle at 1000 and i can rev it to 3000 and it will do so, but feel really choppy all the way there. and now its pulling a constant code 34. i tried swaping the PCM, but that made no difference. the spark plug wires apear to be brand new, the last owner claimed he bought new coil packs and ICM as well, but i have yet to check that to verify. and after about a minute it will stumbe and stall.


when i pulled it apart i noticed that it looked like the vaccum line to the fuel pressure regulator was unpluged, and that vaccum line that goes over the pushrod blockoff plate was broken so i replaced that. i double checked all the vaccum lines, they are good.


i'm so totally lost here..


We were talking about it too. He also said that he checked to make sure all the plugs were plugged in properly. Also, it idles fine in park (until it dies), but once put into gear, it runs like total ass.


sounds EXACTLY like what mine did when the timing belt tensioner broke and it jumped time.


TPS Broken? Code 34:




Trouble Code 34 indicates that the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor is detecting unusually high vacuum in the manifold. Code 34 will get set when:


Engine RPM less than 700.

Manifold pressure reading less than 13 kPa.

Conditions met for .22 second.




Engine RPM greater than 700.

Throttle angle over 20%.

Manifold pressure less than 13 kPa.

Conditions met for .22 second.

Possible causes include:

Faulty MAP-to-ECM connection

Defective MAP sensor

Defective ECM

Check the shop manual for details on vehicle specific MAP sensor applications.


Did you plug the MAP sensor back in? How about the TPS? My old Neon ran like that before I remembered that the TPS was unplugged. :oops: We drove it quite a few times like that, too. :lol:


Leave it until Carri and I come up to PA, and I'll help you with it! :lol:


hmmm i was looking at the timeing belt, it dosen't look the best. but it still feels like it has tension to it.


I told him to check the MAP plug as well. I know when I swapped my harness, the clip on the MAP plug was broken, and eventually the plug actually came out, causing my car to run like total ass.

I know when I swapped my harness, the clip on the MAP plug was broken, and eventually the plug actually came out, causing my car to run like total ass.

W3rd. My MAP clip is broken as well and it runs like crap whenever it comes unplugged and will die whenever I let the clutch out. It now has a ziptie on it to hold it in. :)


your makeing me wonder about that, since the clip is broke off the map

I know when I swapped my harness, the clip on the MAP plug was broken, and eventually the plug actually came out, causing my car to run like total ass.

W3rd. My MAP clip is broken as well and it runs like crap whenever it comes unplugged and will die whenever I let the clutch out. It now has a ziptie on it to hold it in. :)


I have it held in the exact same way.

and that vaccum line that goes over the pushrod blockoff plate was broken so i replaced that.


I have been trying to find out where and what does the blockoff plate look like. Can you describe where it is located it and if you have a picture of it can you share it here?





When my vehicle got a trouble code pertaining to the MAP, I looked and looked around the MAP and its connection only to find out that the multi-line vacuum hose that connects on top of the throttle body was loose. Reconnected that multi-line vacuum hose to the top of the throttle body and the error code cleared away and IDLE is fine again. I rigged something to hold that multi-line vacuum hose so they would not pop off again.

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