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3100 to 3400 INTAKE Swap

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Alright guys, I got the itch. I also have the need for a project. My automotive performance class has a project that requires about 10 hours of work or so to get an "A". It has to be well documented and everything, and having a new 3100 to play with, I (and my professor) think an intake swap is just the thing.


I've searched and found the writeup that DiscoStudd managed to save on it, but I want to know just as an update how much HP this could net me. If it's a decent (5-10whp) gain I will consider it. If not, what might be a good project to undertake that would require just as much work.


Would swapping the engine entirely be better, you think? What on a 3100 is moddable?


replace the intake gaskets with performance ones! lol j/k

Does it have to be performance? (i'm guessing yes by the name of the class)

Maybe u can get a 3400 top end and do a little p&p.


3400 swap is definately worth the swap, and work!! But, if you do not have the time or money to do that, then swap the intakes. Should be good for a few HP.


how about you buy a set of ported intakes off me:P I have a set done off a 96-99 minivan:) That would be worthwhile I think. I also sent off the TB to have it checked out for max bore over and to get pricing.


You could do a cam regrind as well, that would probably get you closer to 10 hours.

how about you buy a set of ported intakes off me:P I have a set done off a 96-99 minivan:) That would be worthwhile I think. I also sent off the TB to have it checked out for max bore over and to get pricing.


You could do a cam regrind as well, that would probably get you closer to 10 hours.


It'd depend on if you're serious about the intakes, and how much that'd net me over doing a straight intake swap. If I can get the parts cheaper from a junkyard from a stock van, I might just do that instead, but I'll keep you in mind! 60*V6 doesn't have much for the 3100/3400 that I saw, that's one of the first places I looked... :?


Wasn't there a clearance issue with the stamped-rocker 3100's and the 3400 intake? I think you'd have to swap the heads over to the roller rocker style that started in 96 to get the intake runners to clear. By the time you bought the heads and upper and lower intake, you're in the price range of a complete 3400 motor.


I vote you just swap in a complete 3400. More bang for the buck...

I vote you just swap in a complete 3400. More bang for the buck...


I would say the same thing, but it might be cheaper just to do the 3400 head swap.


didn't you just get that GP John??


you shoulda went with the GTP...you wouldn't be unimpressed with its performance i can guarrantee you that!




I found it was a pretty straightforward, and fun swap...just don't be an idiot like me and crack your LIM while threading in your CTS....thereby rendering a perfectly good 3400 LIM absolutely useless... :(



didn't you just get that GP John??


you shoulda went with the GTP...you wouldn't be unimpressed with its performance i can guarrantee you that!




I just did get that Grand Prix, yes. It's from a buy-here-pay-here lot, so I didn't have much choice. I liked the GP better than any of the other cars I looked at. I really was wishing they had a GTP there, I would have been on that like... well quickly, anyway.

I found it was a pretty straightforward, and fun swap...just don't be an idiot like me and crack your LIM while threading in your CTS....thereby rendering a perfectly good 3400 LIM absolutely useless... :(




Ouch... duly noted!

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