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Yay! More problems! (Wiring) Updated...slightly...

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okay, so we've established in prior threads that I'm an idiot.


my main issue right now is that while figuring out electrical connections, I've got a bunch of plugs that have no where to plug into... I'll get pictures tomorrow when its light again...but for example... There's are two identical plugs, both of which could fit into my EVAP Canister purge valve...(where the hell does that thing mount anyway)... as well as a couple of smaller clips...


Oh yeah, on the topic of wires... one of those wires in the back (i'll try to get a picture) had a plug with like 4 places for pins, but only had 1 pin in it and an orange wire coming out of the plug...also dunno where to plug this one in...and I accidentally pulled a little hard on it and snapped the wire.... wire color: orange-ish red...


EDIT: its 4 AM but I think this 1-wire dealy that I broke might actually be an alternator plug....the problem is that I can't remember whether anything plugged into the alternator or if it was just the one big red wire that was bolted on...




What gives?






Okay, that plug I snapped does plug into the alternator I just tried it out. I'm an idiot.


I've figured out most of the remaining wires but I still have that one plug that's got me totally confused. The connector is exactly the same as the one that plugs into my EVAP switch, but I was pretty sure the EVAP one had a pink wire in it, which it does. This one has a Brown or tan wire and a white wire... The only thing similar to that I could find a wiring diagram for was the Heated O2 sensor...could that be it? Or does anyone have any other ideas?


Hopefully I can get all this crap taken care of this morning/ at lunch so I can just fill the cooling system with water, and try this sucker out.




well, actually I found an "extra" connector as well under the hood of my CS, by the evap solenoid and map sensor. I was thinking it was for something related to CA emissions. Red plug, right?


Yep its a red, two-wire plug... Its been driving me nuts! I have a picture of it, but chances are its the same one you're talking about... good to know its not important... So now I can focus on all the other problems i've created (God knows theres a few really stupid ones... aka cracked my LIM last night...lets just hope it doesn't leak too bad..)


So I went to a wrecker yard and got a plug for my alternator for literally pocket change... the guy was like "ahh just gimme a dollar for it.." i went to pull a loonie out of my pocket and came up with 60-some cents, so I reached back into my pocket and I'm like "do you have change?" he's like "ahh just gimme what ya got there..." pretty sweet deal.... Also got the exhaust crossover studs I broke, a new "high-flow" T-stat (its a load of crap, no doubt), flush kit, and a bleeder valve that I managed to lose, even though i was pretty sure I never took it off... :roll: *sigh*... whats worst about all of this is that my guess (and its a very strong guess) is that I'm going to have coolant, oil and air (maybe even fuel) leaks out of my ass by the time this crap is done...


oh well.


PS: sorry for the long post.




yep...I didn't know there was even a spot on the power steering for a plug!


assuming thats what that is, now....


I'll try that out in the morning!




oh oh OHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Magnasteer!!!!!!


Nice, I bet if I get the pump, that plug will work. heehee yeah


yeah, basically cuts assist a little at hwy speeds. kinda useless, but I never tried it so who knows. I'm putting a steering rack from a TGP some time, that has enough steering feel as it is.

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