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Aftermarket stereo question

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Is there a way to hook up the steering wheel controls from my 92 olds to an aftermaket stereo, my cd player died...but i like using the steering wheel controls


I don't have steering wheel controls on my gp but i know that there is an adaptor you can buy to make them work. I was also thinking a while back just incase i get a car with controls on how to make them work. My idea was this, since my deck came with a remote control , I would take it apart and solder wires from the remote to the stock controls. I'm not sure if this will work but its worth a shot.


This needs to go in the FAQ.


(As if any noobs read it anyway, but you know..)


if the aftermarket stereo has a remote, there's a product that plugs into your harness from your steering controls, then you point basically a small remote at your stereo. most people mount "the remote" on the side of their console. my local car electronics shop has these for about $80. i know this is gay but if you have no other choice....


i have the pac swi-x in the link above and i hooked it up and it works great. a little pricey but i got mine for christmas from my brother. i would do some research, im sure you could find one for cheaper. it works great, too, by the way.

PAC SWI-X works for me!


so do you have to mount the deck remote in your car somewhere then aiming at the stereo with this one??


no the PAC control box has a lead with a infrared transmitter on the end. you have to mount that somewhere so that it points at your deck.

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