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problems one after the other z34

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i got my car nov 19 this year, just got it back yesterday. it needed MAJOR repairs dont want to go into detail. but anyway i picked it up yesterday, even test drove it before leaving to see if i was satisfied, and i was. and of course today the problems emerge. #1 vacuum leak, fixed it today that was easy :) #2 fans wont come on, only ac fan comes on when ac is on. primary stays off. but i know it works because when the car is not running but the key is on they both work. WTF? #3 annoying ass high idle. when in neutral or in gear at a stop it idles at like 3k rpm. but while rolling 25mph + with the clutch pedal pressed in it surges from normal to 3k over and over. TPS? #4 bealt started squeeling too. so i looked under the hood to see what could cause the bitch ass belt to scream. i saw two possible things, a busted cv boot(flung grease on belt) and a crack on one the accessory mounting brackets(i'll post a pic later) bye this time i hate this fucking piece. so just for shits i go get one of those keys that flashes codes in the dash. i got four of em. this has been my worst car buying experience by far and completely turned me away from these cars. all it has going for itself in my eyes is its looks. i would appreciate any help with the fans and the idle. im gonna get all problems fixed on this thing and sell it. ignore my bitching im sure if i fix it i'll fall in love agin, till it breaks again. (any takers on the 92 z34 w/62k)i wont take this back to the lot i got it from, when i do something else is wrong when i get it back. by the way my camaro is better in the snow than this junk lumina. damn i could go on but i wont. peace.


heck my z34 is the most relyable car i ever owned. most matniance i did to it was fixing the O ring leak.


any pictures of said z34?

heck my z34 is the most relyable car i ever owned.


i'm glad yours is treating you well...lol


Mine has been ok, but I take good care of it. Whenever I'm pissed at it, I just floor it, let that thing rap up to 7k, slam it into second leaving 15ft of black rubber, and then hit 3rd once 7k rolls around again.


Sounds like it's a 5-speed eh?


Trust me, I bought mine with 7 SES codes, a damaged rear end, a clicking motor(bad too), the works. Bare with it, fix the problems, and they won't ocme back and new ones won't resurface. It's just after so many years and miles of beaing trashed as a daily driver, people don't fix the little things, and they build up. Especially when they cost as much as they do on a Z34. But fix them, and it will treat you well. Once I fixed everything, it just got better and better. Got faster, more fun to drive, etc. I don't regret one thing I've done to it either. And now, even with all of my modifications to it, I have no SES codes, and no other issues at all with it. Hell even the bumper is new after a hot chick was checking out its ass instead of hitting the brakes :lol:


The high rev's are from the vacum leak, mine did the same thing, the hoses wear out..you goto remmember how old the car is and nothing last forever the way people make things today and if one hose goes bad expect them all to becouse they were all put on at the same time.. Also wait untill you haft to replace the altinater or the timing belt then ull really be cring


alternator and timing belt were the minor parts of my "major repairs" but both are new


I thought the fans on my Lumina were fucked also, but then I realized they just don't kick in till just a little over half on my guage...


- Jeff L


well i hated changing the altinator took a long time becouse i did it myself in the wealther

alternator and timing belt were the minor parts of my "major repairs" but both are new


well heck you have the big ones outa the way now, just pull the intakes, its a prety easy job.

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