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well shit, cars broken into!


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ok so i never lock my doors on my car because it's in my fuckin driveway, and my driveway is like 200 feet long (that's along trip for a burglar). Anyway i had my car parked outside last night with unlocked doors... Ready to leave to go to school this morning i look in my window as i near my car..i bout dropped my books. The shock and the emotions you go through when your shit has been jacked is undescribable. I suffered no huge loss, but the fact that someone violated my car that i have worked so hard on IN MY OWN DRIVEWAY leaves me with that feeling i cannot descirbe.. Its a mix of vengeance, violation, like u've worked in vain...among others.


The bastard(s) jacked my cd player (got off ebay for 50, but it was a nice Pioneer, and it's more the idea of getting stripped of it then actually the price loss i have). Stole my...yeah get this...my abercrombie beanie ($20), my new sunglasses ($15 at pacsun)... I got the beanie for xmas from my dad. and my girlfriend, as well as i, loved that damn hat - same goes for the glasses. However...throughout their rummaging of my car, they failed to take my 120 cd's, (except for the one in the cd player), my two $100 Polo jackets in my backseat, my calculator (hey it's $100 too).......weird. This has to be the only time i have been thankful for not having a trunk release from inside my car, these criminals obviously sucked..they could not get to my stuff in the trunk, did not even try to pry it open, man i'm lucky. Yeah i lost a $50 cd player, but i kept my $70 capacitor, $215 amp, my audiobahn 12" and my kicker 10". IT WAS A QUIET RIDE TO SCHOOL..


come to find out, after my shitty day at school of staring at every person i saw with suspicion, i come home to find my dad's 2002 impala ls was also broken into that night, i just did not notice it in the morning...I guess these ppl think we are loaded or somethin. MY dad's car is completely stock, but nice as shit anyway. They busted out the passenger side window and thankfully CUT themself on the glass in the process, lil shits. All they took form my dad's car was a bunch of paperwork, checkbook, and his (old ppl music) cd's. They threw mostly everything on the gorund and took off with the checkbook and cd's...i dunno what they think they're gonna do with the checkbook, lol...unless they think my p's are stoopid and wouldn't report it. I'm just glad the cops found MUCHOS fingerprints and some blood, those pathetic (people?) are gonna pay, ooooh they are.

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I don't think they will pay. Cops aren't that interested in minor stuff like that.


We never lock our cars either, except for my Cutalss which has a higly visible alarm indicator (it's a scanning Knight Rider type light on the dash). Someone went thorough the two projects I have in the driveway and my parents' two vans. Didn't take anything, but left a shoe in my van. Go figure... In the neighbor's car they broke a window.

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hey man, thank you for posting your plight. while I feel really bad for you, I also now realize it can happen to me too. I can not afrord to have anything of mine stolen as my financial state = poor college student payi8ng his own way. Really, I used to leave my doors unlocked in front of my apartment, but now... it doesn't matter how much I know my neighbors. These days, its not cool to trust anybody, and thats a sad fact...

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Cops are interested in stuff like that, up here in ND anyways. My bro got his 89 CS broken into, they stole 100 cds, but that was it. Left the CD player. Dumb thing is, they broke both door windows, and then punched the windshield from the inside. Long story short, 6 months later, the cop, who took a DNA sample from the blood, has the little shit, and we are getting money for the windshield, the door glass, (which I had and put in the next day, $$$) and the CDs. If the CDs are written on, more $$ for us. Sometimes the boys in blue will surprise you. I'm a poet and I don't even know it........


Don't give up hope, nail his ass to the wall....

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saddest thing that I ever heard of is my best friends mothers 1995 Camero Z-28 was stolen right out of their driveway while they slept. They also broke into her fathers van and stole the stereo, and his CD's. They were able to take the Camero because her father had a spare set of keys in the glove box.

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The cops were very helpfull the second time my car got broken in since I had a plate number. The cop that took the report looked for them all night and found them at a park fishing at 2:00am. Then he went to my house at 2:30am jumping up and all exited he also dropped the speeding ticket that he gave my cousin a couple weeks earlier. He was also vry happy that I pressed charges on the bastards I still have no idea what kind of trouble they got in though.

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i think y'all missed the point about leavin my door unlocked...i was happy to have dumbass criminals and leave my doors unlocked. If not i would have had a busted window and no cd player, but since i didn't lock them - my window, which costs more than the cd player, remains intact...

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oh and by the way about "minor stuff like that" for your informaciano, burglary ranks higher than rape, cop told us this :o it goes in this order...MURDER< BURGLARY < RAPE...it surprised me too, but hey...

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My stepdad's truck was also broken into on our driveway, and it was parked not 5-ft from the garage door (he had his Harley in the way so he didn't park it in the garage that night).

They attempted a break-in of my car, and hit just about every other car up and down the street. Only the cars with alarms didn't get broken into.


It was a shocker, because this is a nice neighborhood in the good part of town. A clean suburb with curbs and all 2 and 3-car garage houses. Not some place with dark alleys.


As long as your car is outside, criminals don't care how close it is to the house, they're brave enough to hit it.


Also, you're lucky if the cops made a big deal of it there. The woman cop that came on the scene first took the break-ins serious, she asked questions, dusted for prints, everything. The male cop that came later couldn't care less. I was talking to an old neighbor lady when I spotted something in the grass. We both walked over to it and noticed it was a screwdriver left behind by the criminals. She went and told the male cop about it, and he goes, picks it up, and chucks it in the trash. The old lady and I just looked at each other in shock when the cop did that because we'd both thought it was evidence to be dusted for prints.

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Yeah, sure, it's a big deal. You know, I was once awakened at about 4AM by a cop knocking at my apartment door. He told me my car alarm was tripped and the neighbors were complaining, then he left. I said thanks and went to get dressed. When I got out I saw that he neglected to mention that all four doors of the car were wide open.


I got a $5 radio stolen and the ignition lock busted. I couldn't start the car and had to pay $125 to get it replaced. There was nothing of value in the car, so the cops didn't want to deal with it.


This last time, the shoe that the thieves left is still in my van (4 months later). The cop came out, took a statement, and said "Well, if I see a guy with one shoe on, I'll stop him". My neighbor had his window busted, they went through every car on the block. Right after murder and above rape, my ass. I have never had the police get back to me about anything. When my Calais was hit in the parking lot of the building I lived in (hard enough to move it a full parking space sideways), they didn't do a damn thing either, for your information. :bash:

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She went and told the male cop about it, and he goes, picks it up, and chucks it in the trash.


Cops are assholes


When my Calais was hit in the parking lot of the building I lived in (hard enough to move it a full parking space sideways), they didn't do a damn thing either, for your information.


Most cops are complete assholes.


My friend got his motorcycle stolen. The cops knew it was caught on videotape from a business right next door. It took the cockwashes 2 days to go and get that tape.


Seriously what the fuck do we pay them for? We pay them to

1)issue us summons

2)provide a salary to sit on their ass and eat donuts


Im sorry but im completley biased against them. My grandpa passed out at 3am in the fucking moring, so me and my parents call 911, first to arrive on the scene is a cop because the police station is about 300 feet from my house. Im 18 years old and this motherfucker is questioning me about why im up at 3am. Put my fucking balls in your mouth dickhead. If it wasnt for me being up at that hour he might have died, cuz my parents didnt hear him collapse on the floor. Jerkoff


edit: he was up that late in an attempt to get water from being mjorly dehydrated. i thought nothing of it cuz he is up like that often to goto the bathroom. It when u hear loud noises coming form the bathroom that makes you question whats going on

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I must agree, if you have cops that care consider yourself very lucky. When I have reported things they normaly didn't even get out of the car and acted like I was asking for a kidney when I was telling him what happened. It has been my expierence that cops could care less about most things.



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it could depend on what size city you are living in as well. MY guess is , since i live in a smaller town, cops are more apt to be friendly...cuz in this area it's almost small enough to where everyone knows everyone..almost.


But that whole screwdriver thing...damn, that is an asshole. SOme cops obviously think they are above the law they represent. I guess they think they can abuse their power.

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a friend of mine dad's a cop, and he's one of the better ones. he won't usually write u a ticket if he pulls u over UNLESS you are a smart ass to him. He knows there are more things to worry about than someone going 10-15 miles over the speed limit.


the same night our house was hit, a campground on the outside of the city was robbed, and there was an attempted armed robbery of a truck stop near the interstate. They think they may be related, most likely ours being related to the campground and the truck stop being isolated.


the truck stop, there was a guy with a machine gun sticking up the cashier, they called the cops somehow. Once the police arrived all it took was the man to turn around and point the gun and he received a complementary hole between his eyes.

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well we dont live an a very small town, but its not big and its very underpopulated. lot of farmland. its small enough where the cops remember a lot of the repeat offenders and vice versa. yea well they are some of the biggest dickholes around. they abuse their privalege constantly i cant even count the examples i have

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Cops are assholes


Most cops are complete assholes.


Im sorry but im completley biased against them.



Your from Jersey, what do you expect! Ya need to move dude.



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report it anyways to those asshole cops... i reported a stolen brand new bicycle and had it back in the next hour. would have happened if i didnt report it? no


Oh, I never said you shouldn't report this stuff. I have and it got me nowhere, but I keep trying.

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Ever since my police chief was sued 1.5mil for harassment things have calmed down quite abit. But I am still disgusted every time I see one of the not signaling, speeding down village roads, ext.... If you ask me they should drive 110% perfect because I know for a fact if I was doing the same thing right behind them I would be getting a ticket.

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I am still disgusted every time I see one of the not signaling, speeding down village roads, ext.... If you ask me they should drive 110% perfect because I know for a fact if I was doing the same thing right behind them I would be getting a ticket.


Amen. I know this would land me in deep shit, but i wanna get some strobe's a big spotlight, and a bullhorn, and the next time i see one not using a signal or (snicker) hit a burb i will FLY up behind them like a fuckin bat out of hell, put my strobes on, my siren (woop woop!). then park behind them all crooked an half assed like it accomplishes anything, walk out of the car in plain ol regular clothes..."excuse me officer, i just happened to notice you were driving like a dick back there, since you are not above the law, if i was a cop, is there any reason i shouldnt haul your ass to jail?"

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I have met two cops, ever, who did not think they were above the law. Even my uncle who is a cop is a prick and does not give a shit about laws and does whatever he pleases. I agree with most of the negative things about cops simply because I know if I was one, I would probably do all the asshole things they do, inadvertently no less.


Until I am proven otherwise my opinion stands

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