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Fuel level gauge not working

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When i got the car the guy told me that he had a garage replace the fuel tank and a new sending unit because the fuel gauge didn't work but then it still didn't work so he went to a junk yard and got another cluster and it still didn't work so he told me it could be the wiring in the car. i checked all the wires goin to the sendin unit and none are broke but when i tested them with a power tester none of the wires have power goin through them. anyone know what i can do about this?


Nope no fuse that i found anywhere. Anyone know where i can get a wiring diagram for an 88 buick regal

Nope no fuse that i found anywhere. Anyone know where i can get a wiring diagram for an 88 buick regal


heard of a Service Manual?

heard of "I cant find any" :roll:


Heard of PepBoys, Autozone, ebay, or your local GM dealer?


i can sympathize with the guy. i've checked every library, parts store and dealer in the area and none would or could get me a service manual.

i can sympathize with the guy. i've checked every library, parts store and dealer in the area and none would or could get me a service manual.



you live in detroit jackass. i'm not exactly in big f'n city usa here.


suck my dick, bitch :flip:




i find it hard to believe a DEALER or AUTO PARTS STORE doesn't have service manuals :roll:


i can't tell you how many SERVICE MANUALS i've bought at PEPBOYS or AUTOZONE or MURRAYS which are all AUTO PARTS STORES



dumbass :thumbsdown:


Welp before u all start "Busting Caps" in each other. i have located one but doesn't have all the wiring diagrams in it. it has enought tho for me to somewhat figure it out/ i guess. so my point is that not all the service manuals out there have alll the wiring diagrams the entire car has so u cant always rely on them. but thanks for the help guys. and dont bitch over stupid stuff.

Welp before u all start "Busting Caps" in each other.


:smilielol: that was great

When i got the car the guy told me that he had a garage replace the fuel tank and a new sending unit because the fuel gauge didn't work but then it still didn't work so he went to a junk yard and got another cluster and it still didn't work so he told me it could be the wiring in the car. i checked all the wires goin to the sendin unit and none are broke but when i tested them with a power tester none of the wires have power goin through them. anyone know what i can do about this?


My guess is that it hasn't worked ever since you got it?


If so thats an indication to me , that they didn't hook up the sending unit right. I am sure the pump and all that works, but maybe the float arm is stuck or bent from when they put it in the tank. If they really did put in a new tank/unit , it wouldn't be that hard to drop it again and troubleshoot it. I doub't VERY highly it's the cluster.


Get the wiring diagram for the tank


Disconnect the connector, and use a DMM to test for the ohms. GM sending units are usually 0-90 ohms. 90 ohms = Full 0 ohms is empty.


If you know that it's half full it sould read in the area of 40-50 Ohms.


If you are not getting these types of readings... it's the sending unit thats bad. If you are getting the correct Ohms readings the problem is elsewhere (cluster). Lemme know...


You are getting not power reading at the tank because there are no power readings for the fuel sender if I remember correctly. It uses variable restiace to measure the fuel level by the float moving up and down. IF the guage is stuck on full, that usually means there is an open ground in the system. All the way on E was usually the sender in my experience. There may also be a problem at the cluster as well.


I've noticed that there is a black wire down under the carpet next to the pass. seat that i cant get to that is striped abit i was gonna fix that tomorrow. I also noticed that the gauge does move once in a great while but then goes back to full when i make a turn.


Im betting your going to have to replace the sending unit. The way parts are today just because its new doesnt mean that its good. Either that or like some one else said they bent the crap out of the rod on the float. I put a new fuel pump in my cutty and was real carefull not to bend the rod and my gauge is still of in my car by a 1/4 of a tank.

I've noticed that there is a black wire down under the carpet next to the pass. seat that i cant get to that is striped abit i was gonna fix that tomorrow. I also noticed that the gauge does move once in a great while but then goes back to full when i make a turn.


Did you test the sending unit yet?


That is the easiest way to tell whats bad...


The connector for the tank is just forward of the leaf spring close to the center of the car. You want to check the ohms value. You should have an idea of how much gas you have. If the cluster always indicates that it's full , then you don't want to have full tank when you test it, because you wont be able to tell if your getting the right reading or not. If you know your car goes 300 miles on a tank, do this at 150 miles in. Gm sending units tell the cluster if it's full/empty based on resistance 0 to 90 ohms.


When you take off that connector, there will be 3 pins. Ground , Positive , and the line telling the tank what to read. You are going to test the ohms across the ground and the line that tells the cluster what to display.


90 ohms= full

67.5 ohms= 3/4 tank

45 ohms= 1/2 tank

22.5 ohms= 1/4 tank

0 ohms = walk now


If you know you only have a 1/2 tank , but you take a reading 80 ohms+... it's the sending unit.


Thats kinda rounded , but it's close. Testing it this way would only take 5 min.

Crawl under

Dissconnect the connector

Take the ohms reading

Realize it's your sending unit

Reconnect the connector

Crawl out (making sure to not bump your head)

Welp before u all start "Busting Caps" in each other. i have located one but doesn't have all the wiring diagrams in it. it has enought tho for me to somewhat figure it out/ i guess. so my point is that not all the service manuals out there have alll the wiring diagrams the entire car has so u cant always rely on them. but thanks for the help guys. and dont bitch over stupid stuff.


what manual did you find? I have my Haynes manual at home for our W's that I can check out and scan portions of if you need more information. I'm at work right now so I won't be able to do that if you need it until atleast 6:30pm EST tonight. Let me know if you want me to do that. Either respond here or drop me a PM.


~*:EDIT:*~ I just realized that my Haynes manual is sitting on the floor of my apartment in Philly. I'm going up there this weekend for a day so I can scan stuff from it if needed on Sunday or Monday. Let me know.


Yea i have the Hayne's one. It's got a tan car on it with a 3800 engine. I looked all over that thing for a wiring diagram and i couldn't find anything about the sending unit wires and were they run too.

Yea i have the Hayne's one. It's got a tan car on it with a 3800 engine. I looked all over that thing for a wiring diagram and i couldn't find anything about the sending unit wires and were they run too.


The connector for the sending unit (which is in the gas tank), is between the tank and the leaf spring. Look for the fill tubes....

Yea i have the Hayne's one. It's got a tan car on it with a 3800 engine. I looked all over that thing for a wiring diagram and i couldn't find anything about the sending unit wires and were they run too.


Yup that's the same one I have.

I've noticed that there is a black wire down under the carpet next to the pass. seat that i cant get to that is striped abit i was gonna fix that tomorrow. I also noticed that the gauge does move once in a great while but then goes back to full when i make a turn.


That's a W-body for ya. My fuel guage always said I was empty when I made left turns and would fill up when I made right turns.. when the tank was at half full.

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