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Anyone make headers that fit a 1996 3100 V6?

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My 1996 Olds Cutlass Supreme has a 3100 V6 (apparently a Gen III) and now that I'm getting more air into it due to the ram air setup I built, well I'd like to get the charge out more efficiently too.


I will do a search but I'd like any posts y'all are willing to type up too! :D


Any comments on what kind of system (pipe size and mufflers) to throw behind this thing would be appreciated too. I was think'n of 2.25" pipes and a Delta Flow 50-Series from Flowmaster.




- Joel Penick


TOG makes some IIRC. They are for the Grand Am, but should work in a w-body. Look on the grand am forums, they should be able to help you.



TOG makes some IIRC. They are for the Grand Am, but should work in a w-body. Look on the grand am forums, they should be able to help you.





I'm pretty sure you have to modify the rear header.

.....and now that I'm getting more air into it due to the ram air setup I built


you gotta post pics...

Quit posting that douche bags site.......he's a fucking idiot.


Your a fucking idiot. What's Taylor ever done to you?

Quit posting that douche bags site.......he's a fucking idiot.


spoken like a true child. That was uncalled for. This is the only person I've seen that made the GA headers fit a W, and since that question was posted, what is the problem?


Okay, no need to fight Y'all! Besides, I did ask the question and if someone modified those headers to make em fit and has pics posted, well I appreciate the link.


Well, I just put the new cat on, and even though Magnaflow makes the 4300 Series Cats which are OBD-II compatible, they do not make a direct fit for my car, so it's not legal to put one on, which kinda pisses me off. Anyhow, I went ahead and threw on a Delta Flow 50-Series muffler (offset inlet / center outlet) with a nice SS tip... And yes, I kept it very respectful, no ricer style stuff on this ride 8) But yeah, the Delta Flow 50-Series is PERFECT! She sounds VERY healthy! There's not much interior noise either, which I'm very happy about.


About posting pics of my ram air setup, no prob, but I'll be out of town for the next two weeks visiting family for Christmas. I tell you what though, as soon as I get back in town I'll be sure to take pics of my setup. I'll includ pics of the muffler and tip too. Someone will have to help me post them though, seeing how I've never posted pics before.


Apparently there's a company called "Sheer Speed" who makes or is in the process of making a set of headers for the W-Body. I'm have'n a hard time find'n the site though. If anyone can post a link to their site I'd greatly appreciate it.




- Joel Penick



About posting pics of my ram air setup, no prob, but I'll be out of town for the next two weeks visiting family for Christmas. I tell you what though, as soon as I get back in town I'll be sure to take pics of my setup. I'll includ pics of the muffler and tip too. Someone will have to help me post them though, seeing how I've never posted pics before.




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