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how to test fuel injectors?

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Guest TurboSedan

ok i'd like to test my TGP fuel injectors before i install them. i need to check the resistance between the two prongs right? can they be tested when removed from the car or do they need to be installed and tested with the car running (EDIT: wait...that would be impossible lol). i've never tried this and i'm clueless :oops: i DO have a good digital multimeter though and i know how to use it :)

btw, does anyone know where i can get new injector o-rings?


Napa. I got some for the cavi there.


they are 50cents at O'rilleys just ask for 0-rings they should have a box with 3dozen sizes





You want to test those by checking their "Ohms" value.

Ohms is the measurement of resistance.


They should all test in the 12.3-12.8 ohms range, give or take a .1.


If it's a meter with a yellow case it's porbably a "Fluke" meter.


Make sure your probes are in the correct holes for testing.


Ohms symbol looks like an upsidedown "U".


Hope this helps....


Buy "O" rings for the injectors.

Do not buy a genaric(SP),

it could be a material not compatible with gasoline....

Guest TurboSedan
Buy "O" rings for the injectors.

Do not buy a genaric(SP),

it could be a material not compatible with gasoline....


that is what i'm worried about. when i bought injector O-rings for my GTS i bought a set of 8 for like $12 i think from FWDPerformance.com....i might order 2 sets from them again...unless i can find O-rings specifically for injectors locally from Checker or Advance or whatever (i haven't had time to check yet).


thanks for the replies everyone.

  • 1 month later...
Guest TurboSedan

ok i got all the O-rings i needed from Napa and have the injectors installed so no problem there.


but, i tested the injectors and they each seemed to ohm out at 11.5-12 ohms....should they be ok or? i'm using a $20 Radioshack digital multi-meter with a yellow case.


On the topic of injectors, is there any good way of cleaning them while out of the vehicle?

Guest TurboSedan

i got mine pretty clean by wiping them down with Simple Green and a clean rag.


Ok, cool. But.... it appears as if there is stuff in the injector opening as well. You think letting simple green soak in there will clean it out?

Guest TurboSedan

i'm not sure if you can soak the entire injector or not? good question. i just sprayed mine down really good (with clips and o-rings removed) and wiped them clean. i didn't see any debri in the openings at all. fwiw i used Quick Dry Electrical Contact cleaner on the injector plugs before ohm testing them.


some of mine read up to 13ohms...and .1+ so any of you guys thinkn this is a problem?


as for cleaning, a mechanic friend of mine cleaned mine, not sure how though. the first time one of mine went bad the dealer told me it was best to have them professionally cleaned.


Those ohms are fine. A bad injector will be pretty obviously different than the rest.

I had a bad one once that didn't even measure any ohms at all (open coil).


Yes you can test them at home for functionality. Get the electrical connetor and some of the leads at the j/y. There all over the place. It can just about be any car prior to 1999.


Just put the connector on and apply 12 volts to it from your battery charger. I always blow into the discharg end first in case there was something in there it will blow it out. Then you can blow air or what ever cleaner you want in the inlet end. I use a rubber blow gun nozzel with the a straw that you get with brake or carb cleaner pushed through it. Keeps it from spraying you. This can get messy so blow into a bucket or a garbage can. :)


I wouldn't put injectors in without doing this and I have changed injectors a number of times. You can't test how much they flow but you will have piece of mind that they do flow. After you do 2 or three you will be able to tell if you have a bad one by the spray pattern.




Ok, so it looks like I know how to clean them. Now its just finding time to clean them, and sell my extra sets.

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