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Remote lock wont unlock or lock the drivers side door...


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I have a mc and the remote lock/unlock wont unlock or lock the door and sometimes if i use the unlock/lock button on the door it dont work..and when you put the key in the door lock its hard as hell to turn it worked when I bought the car then it just stoped..Any ideas..

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Your actuator might be siezed up, or the linkages on the lock mechanism are rusted to shit and need to be lubed/freed up. You're going to have to pull the door panel to get at the lock mechanism and or actuator.


Pick up a Hayne's or Chilton's manual. That'll point you in the right direction...

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Tried Spraying the shit out of it with some WD40 but it was a waste of time
Did you pull the door panel and get at it from the inside? The linkages could be bent out of shape, or the power lock actuator could be rusted as well. You might have to replace the whole latch/lock/lock actuator assembly.


You should pull the electrical connector off of the lock actuator, hook up a volt meter to the wires, and cycle the door switch(es) and the remote to see if you get a voltage reading. This would rule out an electrical problem.


Seeing as you said you're having trouble turining the lock cylinder and the interior lock "plunger," I would lean towards it being a mechanical problem...

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Similar prob on my 95 Z34, only mine is pass. door lock. The actuator assy strips out (especially if ppl pull on the handle WHILE unlocking door). My pass. door lock works maybe 1 time out of 15, but DOES work that rare time. Try hitting the power LOCK (not unlock), then unlocking it by the key. I bet it works easier that way than hitting UNLOCK w/the power lock THEN trying the key. If it is, it's the actuator assy in the door panel (held in by 3 (?) big TORX bolts).





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