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Will a 3.8 seriesIII fit in my 95 monte carlo 3.4dohc

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Hey I have a 1995 Monte Carlo with a 3.4DOHC 4 speed auto.


Would a 2004-2005 3.8 3800 Series III Supercharged V-6 Engine fit into my car. I've looked up the Tran's and think it will hook up but not im not 100% also if it will hook up how much work would need to be done (wiring, computer, ex.) The engine im looking at is at http://www.gmpartsdepot.com # 12499470. If you could help me out that would be great.


well...isnt the series III 3800 pretty much the same as the series II!?...i don't think there should be much problem swapping it...as i know there are a few people that swapped L67's into their monte's...you might wanna check out http://www.l67swap.com


Go with the Series II. The Series III has and electronic throttle, and your car is not equipped for such a thing...


The L36 (n/a 3800 Series II) will drop right in. In fact, the Monte had the L36 in 98 and 99 (and of course it had it from 2000-present) so you could get a complete drivetrain, PCM, harness, and axles from a 98-99 Monte or Lumina LTZ with the L36 and have no problems installing it in your 95. I'm not too sure what you'd have to change on the harness(es) to get everything to work. You might want to check L67Swap.com or MyMonte.com to see if anyone has done the swap before...


If you want the L67 (supercharged 3800 Series II) then check out L67Swap.com


Ok seriesII sounds good + its cheaper :D. I have another question, I wanna pull my 4 speed auto and put in a 5 speed man. what would be the best and easyest trany to repalce it with?


There are plenty of fiero guys running Getrag 282's right along with their L67. You could opt for the beefier 284, but parts for it are expensive and hard to find.

what is a Getrag 282's and what does it come off of ?


A Getrag 282 is the 5-speed manual transmission found in the late 80's and early 90's that was mated to the 2.8L or 3.1L V6.

Easy to be found in wrecked J-Bodies, L-Bodies, some W-Bodies, and the Fiero.


- Erik


what kinda J-Bodies, L-Bodies, some W-Bodies do they come off of..sry but i dont know much.

what kinda J-Bodies, L-Bodies, some W-Bodies do they come off of..sry but i dont know much.


If it's a J-body(cavalier) or an L-body(beretta/corsica) with a five speed, then it is a 282. Unless it is a newer Cavalier, or Beretta GTZ with a twin cam/Quad 4 engine.

N-bodys(grand am) would likely have a 282 trans as well

If it's a W-body, it's a 282, unless the engine is a 3.4 twin cam, then it will be a 284 (beefier). He said some W-bodys because they are rather hard to find in a w-body, but it is possible. I saw a 90 Grand Prix 2 door at the junk yard with a 5 speed (282) and a 3.1 in it. A trans swap into the STE would have been in order, had it been a 284, and had I the motivation.


stick with your DOHC Grim...you'll be happier, trust me!


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:




BTW, where are you located in Michigan?


yah I like my engine but it has 180thousand miles on it plus it leaks oil antifreeze and you always haft to fix them constantly

yah I like my engine but it has 180thousand miles on it plus it leaks oil antifreeze and you always haft to fix them constantly


Hey, where in MI are you? Also, have you swung by MyMonte.com? MM and l67swap.com are both good places to read up on the 3800S2 swap.




I live in South Haven Michigan and yah ive checked them out but i like a direct respons for my car and not different years and other things..

I live in South Haven Michigan


that's pretty darn close to Holland




mark that down folks....one more person from west michigan :nana:


my uncle lives in holland and i often go to sams club on the weekends maybe ill seyah around..

I live in South Haven Michigan and yah ive checked them out but i like a direct respons for my car and not different years and other things..


MM has specific forums for your specific engine/model, as well as an L67 forum with plenty of swap info...in case you didn't know. And good luck on the swap, if you go that route!


I live in South Haven Michigan


that's pretty darn close to Holland




mark that down folks....one more person from west michigan :nana:


Uh oh...east-MI ppl watch out :lol:


ya know...i just had another thought...since you're from michigan and all...you should stop over @ MIstreetscene.org ...there is a guy on there with the SN slowmontecarlo ...he has a L67 in his monte...you might wanna talk to him...


ok thx that helps me out even more..i wanna know as much as i can befor i start ripping my engine out

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