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Did I pay to much?


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wow, im impressed, thats some good prices, and look, just incase the iron duke in your 4 cylinder lumina dies http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33615&item=7940038789&rd=1


They don't die, they just leak lots of oil. :lol:






I have NEVER seen one of thense mother fucks this CLEAN before!!!! Look at the one I had in my 87 6000!!




THey will last forever w/ the right care, and a watchful eye on the oil level.. And on all pre-89 versions, watch out for timing gear failure.. That is what brought my sory ass into the WBody world. . Also, to answer a question, yes it can be put into a 95, but WHY? WHY in the HELL would you put an overweight, under-powered, overheating, oil leaking, LESS torque than a shopping cart, 90 HP Iron MONSTER in your 3.4/3.1/3.8 V6 powered, cool running, and Horsepower ratings OVER 100 and MORE torque than a shopping cart?


Just curious I guess.. :lol:

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Also, to answer a question, yes it can be put into a 95, but WHY? WHY in the HELL would you put an overweight, under-powered, overheating, oil leaking, LESS torque than a shopping cart, 90 HP Iron MONSTER in your 3.4/3.1/3.8 V6 powered, cool running, and Horsepower ratings OVER 100 and MORE torque than a shopping cart?


Just curious I guess.. :lol:


he was talking about the DIC...


on a side note.....do you really think that your pics are that special/top secret that they need to be watermarked? I find it irritating to look at to the point that the first thing I see is the watermark and then I keep going. I would rather not see a pic then see one with a HUGE watermark on it....kind sucks too, cuz you DO post some good pics, but the ones you post now are virtually worthless with the markings...

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Ill work onm it Jeremy.. I'll see what I can do..


I understand why you do that, but for me if I were you, I would just add something small in one of the corners. Make it big enough to stand out in the crowd, but keep it out of the line of sight. Because I think the way that you have it now (the font style) looks hella cool.

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