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New Alternator???

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I want to know if my car would benefit from a new alternator. When I accelerate or rev the engine, the lights get brighter. When I'm idling, with my heater on, when I turn on the lights, the heater fan slows. When I'm idling, my heater begins to blow cold air, then when I start to accelerate, it gets hot again. When I have my heater and lights on, and I turn on my rear defroster, the lights dim, and the fan slows. Any thoughts?


my car has done that ever since i've owned it. it sounds like we have poorly designed electrical systems. i've been through 3 alternators for other reasons, and my car did the same shit with each alternator


my car does that EXACT same thing too... :? ..i don't think its the alternator...i'm thinkin its cause by poor grounds or just a bad electical system in general...i AM going to change my alternator sometime in the near future and upgrade it to one with a few more amps (as i am planning to put a system in it eventually)...so, i guess we'll see if it helps @ all...i doubt it though... :roll:

Does your heater get cold at stoplights, too?


no, but the fan does slow down, and it takes almost 10 minutes to get heat on a cold day.


yeah...EXACTLY...it doesnt get COLD, but the fans slow down so it makes it feel colder!...


Every car I have owned in my life does that, including new ones, when you have every electrical accesory in the car burning full blast and your idling expect a little battery draw, The alternator is designed to produce full voltage/amperage at 2k and above


The heater fan and rear window defogger are fused for 30 amps each and im sure the headlights draw 15a

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