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OK, I'm hoping some of you maybe up and have a idea what may have just went wrong.


I went to start my car just after a fire call and it has no electrical power. When i turned the key on but didn't start the car the auto head lights, dash lights, and all the other things came on like normal but when i turned the key to start it every thing shut off. There is no power going to any thing including the power locks and the ignition is stuck to the on position.


I know most will want more info but i just want a idea of what may be the problem because it happened at about 1:30 AM and i can't work on it tell the morning and will not know anything more tell then.


My first thought is the ignition but i would think every thing would have power so now i kind of think it may be a fuse link or master fuse.


Check the tightness of the Auxillary Positive Terminal post nut. Mine came loose on me while I was driving down the freeway and the motor went deader than a doornail. Everything else worked, save for the headlights and the ignition. It all sprung back to life after I tightened the nut back down. FWIW, I grabbed another nut while I was at the boneyard and double-nutted the post. Haven't had a problem with it since...


could also be a week battery. may support enough power for your accessories but when under load like starting a car it flatlines

could also be a bad/loose connection at the battery terminal.


and that was the problem.


I didn't think that was the problem because i just put the battery in and made sure i had them tight but it was.


thank you for the help.


Side posts are junk, why Gm continues to use them is beyond me, the threads are lead cmon :roll:


that is wierd that you are having this type of probelm on a 2000...i hope you got the extended warranty on your Prix, those come in handy for things like this.


man i gotta love a vehicle under warrany!! :wink:

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