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Fuel Pump :UPDATE: Unknown problem

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Has anyone changed theirs and how hard is it?


I believe my fuel pump has been going out for some time occasionaly act like the motor isnt getting gas past a certin rpm.. well today i finnaly have had it. max speed today was 50mph on a strait and it took a while to get there without the motor choking. Im positive its the fuel pump a regulator would still give the car gas. sighs.. here we go.



well after sitting in the shop fiday, saturday, sunday and half of monday.. the guys in the shop are puzzled.. they cant find anything wrong with my car.. Impossible i said hop in let me take ya for a ride i told them.. Sure enough, Drove up the onramp to the highway and NOTHING no problem present. i couldnt believe it. i brought it in gaggin stumbling like it was on its way to the junker and it runs like a camp again. :shrug: unless someone fixed it without telling making a report or the problem is laying dorment for the oportune time to piss me off.


You should check the pressure before you go to all the trouble of replacing the pump. It's a PIA but not really hard unless your tank is full. :( I just did it last week.

I think a pressure gauge is around 20 at your parts store.




You're in luck, my man, cause I changed the one in my Loomie last summer. It was very straightforward, but time consuming. All I really had to remove from the car was the heat shield from around the Catalytic Converter and the gas filler tube and neck. The tank was a snap to drop out, and the straps holding it in were easy to remove (one bolt on each end of the straps.) Luckily I didn't need any special fuel line removal tools, cause the 96's still used the old style connectors (with a clip like the fuel filter's plastic connector has.)


Removing the pump assembly from the tank was also easy (you have to get a piece of wood to tap the retaining ring counterclockwise to release it.) After you get the assembly out, follow the directions that came with the new pump to change out the old one (unless you sprung for a whole new FP/fuel gauge sender assembly, which costs upward of $400.)


While you're at it, you may want to replace the FP relay as well...


Oh yeah, and be sure to siphon all of the gas out of the tank first!!!


Last Feb when I got my 88' running again I had a leak in the gas tank so it needed replacement. I didn't feel like doing that shit in the cold so I paid like $200 or something to have it put on at the junkyard (gastank+labor)...


I was also going to change the fuel pump on my 88' cause it was whining, it lasted until I got my 95' so I never got around to doing it. The main problem I saw was having enough room to work under the car, as cheap standard 2-ton jacks/stands only go up like 14 inches.....

change your gas filter first.


did that last month. and there was hints of it going out befor i changed it.


the reason i think its the pump is b/c after i use up whatever preasure is in the line the car dies like someone hit the e-stop on a weedeater and starts to idel again.. car dosnt totaly die, it just gets annoying and the fact that i have to go to st louis by tuseday and i cant do more then 55mph without the car bouncing off max fuel consumption from the pump.. its not a good thing.


This is suppose to be my vacation week so hell with doing it myself i will just drop it off at the local mechanic and pay them 50in labor + parts.


the fuel pump is easy to replace in theory-2 bolts, disconnect afew fuel lines, swap it, simple. but when i actually did mine it was kind of hard. the rubber fuel filler lines were so hard i could not disconnect them, had to cut them. it is alot easier if you have someone help you hold the tank while you are working. first thing i would do is check fuel pressure. also, mine wouldn't go past a certain rpm when i unplugged the regulator and forgot to plug it back in. i would definately make sure the pump is bad first.


I'll bet there's some debris in your fuel tank that will intermitantly plug the fuel strainer. I'd say change the pump, strainer, and fuel filter, and while the pump is out of the tank, visually inspect the inside of the tank, and remove any extra debris in there.


Remember.. drain your fuel tank before you begin this project...




I just changed my tank last night... Kind of a PITA.


Your car is stumbling at a constant speed?

How do you know it's the pump?


I would do a little reseach before doing that job. You really want to make sure it's the pump. It waould really suck to do the job, and find out that wasn't the problem....


Any codes?


When you said it went from running like shit to running like a champ makes me wonder.

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