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Car Dies for no reason

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My 96 3.4 dohc has decided it wants to die on me. The car starts up usually revs high, then may or mar not stall out. It may take up to and including 4 tiems to restart her, but she stays running. Since yesterday, she has decided that she wants to quit on me, when I am braking, or in the midlde of a turn while I am braking, or just plain when I am in park after getting to my destination. All the electronics work, and she starts right back up, but she just dies, real quiet. The rpms slowly drop and next thing I know, the engine isn't running and I have a hard time steering. Any suggestions or similar problems?


how high is high?


i'd start with cleaning the iac,


it goes to about 3 or 4 rpms, then goes down to its usual 1000-1500 rpm. I am pretty sure it NOt the alt or batter, but I dont know.


how long will it sit at 3000/4000? will it hit off the rev limiter?


an intake leak......getting too much air and its leaning out the air fuel mixture. It wouldnt be a fuel problem because its idling high at start up.....then quitting.....hmm..... i'd take a look at the lower intake gaskets, and see what they look like. How many miles are on the car and have they been changed that you know of?


P.S. not to be a smart ass or anything, but there must me a reason the car is stalling lol :wink:


the gasket kit is around $20 by felpro, and can be changed within an hour or so.....not a hard job if you have some mechanical capability.


Does it jump around from high to low idle, or just do it once?


"phantom" stalling?


It sounds almost like bad injectors. The high rev at startup could be caused by a leaking injector putting extra gasoline into the cylinders which gets burned at startup causing the initial high revs. I'm not sure however if leaky/bad injectors could cause stalling like you've described though.

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