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3.4 to 3.8 engine to chassis harness

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Simple, will a 92 3.8 engine harness plug right into a 95 3.4 chassis harness ?

The bulkhead at the firewall looks identical and I hope its a plug and play situation, anyone confirm this ?


95 3.4/4t60e gtp putting in 92 buick regal 3.8 w/4t60


Thanks for the help


Well that sux I guess I will be stuck figuring out how to make it run with schematics, I can get the interior harness since a whole parts car is here and use that for help adapting it.......aint no way that junk 3.4 is going back in, I think the 3.4 dohc engine belongs in the gm 350 diesel and 4-6-8 caddy category or blunders


why cant he use the harness....what car is it off of.....i suggest you go get a 95 Regal harness. It will plug right in with no wiring issues


so a harness from a 95 regal with a 3.8 would plug and play into a 95 Cutlass with a 3.1 or a 3.4?


that is correct....either engine it will plug in...i will double check the shop manual


I put it all together today, and the issues readily apparent are the key in "start" position does not make the starter go, also the fuel pump does not cycle, I bypassed the relay in the pass. side underhood power distribution center and got fuel pressure, tho I'm not sure its firing the ecm properly. Everything inside lights including the HUD.


When the key was first turn to run the variable p/s fuse popped right away, no big deal dont have the V-R p/s pump anymore.

Upon shotting fuel into the intake and bypass starting the starter solenoid it ran, died right away but spark and correct ignition timing was verified, checked for injector pulse and none was present, So I have no Injector pulse, no fuel pump power and no start signal


The fuel pump relay has power but no signal is being sent to fire it, I assume the ignition switch is sending signal as far as the engine wiring harness just not making into the proper pin of the engine harness.

Going to compare wiring diagrams tomarrow at the library 92 regal 3.8 engine/harness/pcm into 95 3.4 GTP bodycan


Im sure with a few pin change locations in the engine harness it will run, the reverse lights work so I think the safety nuetral switch operation is good.

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