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alright...for those who dont know, i finally got my car to pass inspection. new cat and stuff like that.


now keep in mind i've had this car worked on for 2 months to get through and multiple times since i first got it in august.


got it back...drove it home..and on the way back..my throttle started to lag out. hit it hard enough, it didnt work. hit it too little, it didnt work. made it home..tried starting it back up...no good.


it starts up still but within seconds...it stalls out. the butterfly is opening allowing air in so the air mixture is ok from what we can tell. i hvae a feeling its injectors.


what we've been doing is adding a little pedal down to keep it going and stop from stalling....eventuallly..it stays on its own for a minute or so and then dies. this leads me to think its the injectors. clog maybe?


psychox...in all his "mechanic" know how (yea right)...sayed instantly it was the timing belt. that it is not. then he sayed cam gears...as if he has an idea of what he is talking about. it is definatly fuel related.


any1 have any ideas?


Sounds almost like a Throttle Position Sensor issue. You may want to use a multimeter to check out whether the TPS is working correctly. Just unplug the sensor and place the prongs of the multimeter on the sensors harness. Moving the throttle plate should cause voltage readings to run from something like 1v up to 4.5v at wide open throttle, basically the more open the throttle the higher the voltage will be.


Sounds like the Iac motor isnt working or the Iac passage/throttle body is carboned up, there is no throttle kicker that opens the butterfly


IAC=Idle Air Control, its having trouble idling right :wink:

fuel pump?


electronic fuel injection...i dont belive there is a pump.


Sounds like the Iac motor isnt working or the Iac passage/throttle body is carboned up, there is no throttle kicker that opens the butterfly


IAC=Idle Air Control, its having trouble idling right


we checked the butterfly and it opens as it should.


i'm getting a hunch that i probably have no pressure because i am getting alot of smoke from right near the cylanders. the pedal sensor might be it though..it seems to cut out at times...almost like it isnt responding.


1) pedal sensor thingy.

2) something fuel- injectors, lines, filter, "pump"

3) lost pressure.


i'm bring it up the street to a different mechanic...we'll see how things go.


Yea there is a fuel pump, high pressure in the tank, pressure should be around 37-40 psi at the rail, a clogged fuel filter could cause low fuel pressure, a bad pressure regulator could cause low or high fuel pressure


A fuel pressure test and code scan are the first thing to do when trouble shooting any efi car. Parts changing is about the worst way to go at fixing an efi car :wink:


ok, for the record it's "said" and not sayed...that just makes my ears hurt


i'd take your car to a GM certified mechanic to see exactly what the deal is. when i had my Escort i tried fixing every little thing i could think of and all of my buddies as well and the bi0tch still didn't work right after all that time and money that i spent into her thinking it was the right thing that i was fixing.



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