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Can I supercharge an NA 3800? And what kinda work would be involved, like what do I have to change etc.

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You can supercharge a Series I (L27) in fact, that's what I have planned for my Regal next year. I already have the supercharger along with the lower intake manifold w/injectors. You need to grab a complete front accessory drive and power steering pump from the donor car (or a car that had the Series I L67.) Also you need to find a chip from a Riviera or Bonneville, or get one custom burned.


What series you looking at?


they made supercharged versions of the Series I & II 3800's


all you would really need it the supercharger setup and ecu off one of those engines


I'm not sure what else...but if DiscoStudd or GSRegal93 see this thread they'll contribute a lot more information :wink:


EDIT: Damn...he beat me


You can take an N/A L27 (Series I), or a N/A L36 (Series II) and use the heads and up from an L67 of the same series then you will have a Supercharged engine. You will need the computer as well though...and its not quite exactly a "bolt up." IIRC there is some customizing you have to do to make it work.




EDIT: you posted the year.


The differences between the Series 1 L67 and the L27 are the connecting rods, intake up, the alt and p/s pump location, the harmonic balancer, and the extra idlers and tentioner for the s/c.


BTW: the Search function works wonders.


So do I need the heads? Or can I work it with the manifolds and supercharger and ECU? If anyone in MN nows how to do this work could you maybe help me out here?


No you do not need the heads. They are the same.


The lower intake manifold is completely different. the ECU will work as long as you get the L67 chip. also you will need to add in a boost control wire from the ecm. I'm not sure what pin it has to be put into. you may be able to find out from a bonneville service manual.

So do I need the heads? Or can I work it with the manifolds and supercharger and ECU? If anyone in MN nows how to do this work could you maybe help me out here?
sc1.jpg Here's a pic of my supercharger. Notice how the injectors are mounted in the lower intake manifold.


If you don't mind waiting a year, I'll let ya observe me when I top off my Regal's L27 with said supercharger. That's going to be my "winter project" when me and the wife are in a new house next year. Once I get motivated, I plan on doing some research on how to get everything to synch up (FSM's, chips, accessories, etc) so I'm all ready to go when old man winter hits...


One thing I forgot to mention, you might also want to upgrade your fuel pump to the Walbro high-flow unit sold on IntenseRacing.com.


Be sure you get a supercharger from a 94 or 95 Bonneville, Park Avenue, or Riviera...

So do I need the heads? Or can I work it with the manifolds and supercharger and ECU? If anyone in MN nows how to do this work could you maybe help me out here?
sc1.jpg Here's a pic of my supercharger. Notice how the injectors are mounted in the lower intake manifold.


If you don't mind waiting a year, I'll let ya observe me when I top off my Regal's L27 with said supercharger. That's going to be my "winter project" when me and the wife are in a new house next year. Once I get motivated, I plan on doing some research on how to get everything to synch up (FSM's, chips, accessories, etc) so I'm all ready to go when old man winter hits...



:shock: NIIIIIICE!! :thumbsup:


Well Disco your in Minnesota. So your gonna do that this winter? If I help you out or whatever you wanna help me then.

Well Disco your in Minnesota. So your gonna do that this winter? If I help you out or whatever you wanna help me then.
Nope, not this year. I gotta work on getting a real house (with a garage) first. By this time next year, I'll be ready to roll on "Operation: Boosted Regal." I'd be willing to give you a hand with your project, though, shouldn't be a problem...
I'll be ready to roll on "Operation: Boosted Regal."


I cannot wait for this project :lol: Its going to be cool as hell.


Well if I can get the parts and all the appearance things done first. I might do it this summer if you mind doin somethin like that disco? So can someone give me the exact list of parts I need and what is that website that you can search junk yards for parts throughout the contry? And what cars will work be cause all those 94-95 cars you gave me: Bonneville, Park Avenue, Riviera were not s/ced those years. The bonne was supercharged starting in 97 and the Park was started in 96 and I couldn't find Riviera that was S/Ced


Ok is it easy enough to do that I can swap a supercharger on it? I have a good amount of basic car mechanic knowledge. Or would I be better off just puttin an L67 in it? And I know most of you will say do an L67 but that is gonna be my last option so can anyone help me? Disco you think you'd be up to doin this over the summer on mine?????


Well it's too early to tell right now what I'll be doing over the summer. I don't have a crystal ball, but more than likely (but not 100% sure) I'm going to be busy dealing with having a new house built, so I'll have to play it by ear. That's why I'm waiting until next winter to drop the SC on my Reeg...


FYI, the cars I listed were supercharged in those years. My supercharger is off of a 95 Bonneville SSEi. I found it on eBay. You say your Regal is a 95, then it has the L27 (if it's a 3800.) The supercharger is a direct bolt on (as far as I know, I haven't actually bolted mine on yet :D .) Do a search of the site for "L27" and you should be able to dig up some posts regarding adding the 94-95 L67 Supercharger to the L27. We discussed all that was needed to complete the supercharging project.


Do not get an L67 supercharger that's newer than 95! It will not be compatible with the L27 motor. Be sure you get the Eaton M62 supercharger from a 94-95 Bonneville SSEi, 94-95 Park Avenue Ultra, or a 95 Riviera...

And those older superchargers are a direct bolt on right?
Yep. Like I said, do a search of the site. I had this discussion with 93RegalGS this past summer. He was going to do the same thing to his Regal, and answered most of the pertinent questions in regards to the swap...

Do I have to change the axles or do anything to the computer? And is it a good idea to get the smaller gear? from the 92/93

Do I have to change the axles or do anything to the computer? And is it a good idea to get the smaller gear? from the 92/93
No need to change the axles. Need to get a chip from a Riviera, Bonneville SSEi, or Park Avenue Ultra (and I'm not sure if those chips will even plug-n-play in the Regal's PCM.) GMTuners.com is a place that burns custom chips, and that's the route I'm going if I can't get a stock Bonneville, et al chip to work. I think if you put the smaller 92-93 pulley on the SC, it might crank up the boost a bit. Not too sure if the tranny would be able to hold up to the extra torque.


There was a guy over on L67swap.com that posted about adding the SC to his L27, and I tried asking him a few questions, but he never replied.


Alright this might be my last question for now. Can I put more boost on it and how do I do it and how much do you think the regal will take?

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