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Chipped again!


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This is my 3rd Jeff M. chipped TGP. The car flies! I've got to get to the track for some times but my seat dyno tells me the car is in the low 14s.

I'll have numbers soon, I hope. Its been a while since I last had a TGP. I was playing around with the Ford 2.3 turbos and they were fun but not reliable at all. Nothing I did or bought for those engines equal the bang for the buck you get in Jeff Ms. Chip. I couldn't keep a TGP that wasn't chipped. Its not the same car at all. from mellow to monster as quick as the light changes, and with better drivability than stock.

I hate to sound like a Jeff M. commercial, most of us already know the beneifits of his stuff but for those that don't, when you're asked whats Santa going to bring you for Christmas, tell them a TopGun chip! Your TGP will love you for it!



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If only he didn't try to "protect the car" so much. I understand why he does it and all, but seriously I don't need programmed turbo lag, I want the turbo to spool as quick as it can. I also don't need all my timing pulled just because I am running close to the boost cut. Its an AWESOME chip no doubt, and I don't think anyone should ever own a TGP without one, its just that there are some things I would improve on it.


Its too bad that there aren't any other mods that can gain that much that easily for that price for these cars. The first little gain is easy, anything after that gets complicated and expensive.



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Sweet Rick, does the track west of Atlanta stay open this late in the year? I know the ATL dragway in Commerce is shutting down after this Friday if I'm remembering right.

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I just posted on the CAI topic about us getting together for some numbers at the track. Yes, Southeastern Dragway runs on Sundays now for test and tune I'm told. I'll check it out and see how long they plan to stay open this year. I think they raced all year last year but its only an 1/8th.

Its in Dallas, Ga.

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I know what you mean and can relate. After buying my 1st TGP sometime in 2000, I got chipped and the crossover. I was jubilant with the performance increase. I had the bug and wanted more. Couldn't get it. Nothing much else available from Jeff M. or anyone else. I got frustrated, and sold the car. I thought if I'm willing to spend the money, It should be available. I kept hearing rumors that Jeff M. was working on something but nothing came as quick as I wanted.

Over the years, I stayed on the boards and watched other TGP owners vent their frustration of not having more for their TGP. I saw the personal attacks on Jeff M. I saw new owners claim how they had their own chip tuning programs and they would put him out of business and loads of other claims that never panned out. The fact is, the guy specializes in the TGP. The others are gone and he's still around. His products are top notch and his knowledge is broad. Most TGPers drive their cars regularly and Jeff M. knows that. He has to consider the guy that dosen't know much about the TGP but wants to go faster. For that guy, a chip and crossover is enough. Thats not enough for us, we want more. I say try and be patient, experiment yourself but keep your eyes and ears open for the mods he has coming. Based on his products and knowledge, it wont be a question of is it OK to run on my TGP. You'll know its been tested to death and safe to run following his reccomendations.


Just my thoughts


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I can relate too, maybe even more since its a painful fact I live with every day/past 15 years! Looking at other companies that have tried to come up with products for car/trucks with bigger production numbers than the TGP, and with owners having more savy and more money to work on, fix and mod their cars, it still was a long time for them. Turbo cars/trucks such as the Syclone/Typhoon, TTA and GN-T-Type all had companies (read: more than one skilled employee, one of my challenges being the only one required to be skilled in too many areas!!!) working hard and spending bucks researching and testing what products to come up with for owners, hard way to make a living even with those numbers. Then the internet came along which looked to open up the doors for people to find these suppliers, it worked for a while but then a few owners would hack the products and disclose their findings on an open public forum, and sales dropped. One such item was the air-to-water intercooler upgrade ATR came out with for the Sy/Tys, it was an excellent piece of work, and a very complete kit, but someone found the supplier for each of the parts of this kit, and told everyone on the forums how to do it for less. Quite a few board members and the moderators yelled at this happening, they knew the impact it would have beyond the few bucks comeone might save going this alternate route. Or you would get one or two people that get ticked-off easy and like to bitch and bad mouth an otherwise great company/product. Many of these companies are gone now, all because of a few bad apples, and those that are still in business, see losses from not enough sales to pay for all the research and investment in time and money, and their product line has dropped from over 100+ products to just a few that still sell. It really sucks for most of the owners out there that all along just want to be able to buy a well thought out and tested product, all because a few wanted the glory of showing everyone a way to do it a little cheaper. It has been said, though to me an obvious point, that ZZP (or any other company like them) who has the talents, staffing and money, have no interest in doing things for the TGP/TSTE, not enough customer base, that is very true and if I was not such an obsessed idiot trying to help so few people with performance, there would not be an aftermarket for these. 90% of my time on the Internet is free emails helping owners fix their cars, 10% time in actual email sales, of the 2 items; pipes and chips, sure has not been an income for me over the years. Another challenge for me (back then) was little interest in a FWD performance car back in 1990-on, and no Internet to find enough people to support the time and money making up products. Now that there has been some interest with the Internet, we have cars/TGPs with 100k miles or more, needing some bucks to fix the wear items, and too many owners still going to collage or just starting out with little funding. All pretty depressing but true, I have considered going back to a real/paying jobs many times over, and often wishing there was another company/competition so I did not have to specialize in engines, heads, trannies, turbos, chip tuning, fixes and etc etc! So why don’t I just rush out and offer a bunch of kits, they need to be tested and proven to me safe and proper for the money anyone would invest in my products, I am dedicated to being honest to the customer and his wallet. BUT why has it taken so long other than what I have said about 90% time spent helping and getting specialized in many areas (turbos, trannies etc), its that all it takes is a few that don’t like a product to go bad mouthing or just generally complaining 8) , and killing sales…..and an example is the boost ramp-up in the chips I sell, I understand totally!!!!!!!!!! (so don’t get upset and have to attack) it ramps up and is not instant, but I want owner’s trannies to last (those collage kids with limited fundings), and I want them to have traction out of the hole at the drags instead of complaining about their 60 foots/final et’s. Also in the rain or snow (if someone drives their TGP/TSTE in the snow), a serious risk of the boost ramping too fast/tires spinning too easy and the owners sliding and unable to control their cars on the road (been there, did not enjoy that :lol: ). There is also the chance with too much boost at low rpms causing the turbo to go into a surge condition (again did that!). There is also a risk off too much boost at a lower rpm that sends the engine into overboost and detonation situation (heard someone's own made custom chip do this) no matter how much timing you take out (did that too :lol: ). These are all factors I had to find, test and then decide how best to handle with the customer’s best interest in mind. Then prove the results repeatable on several TGPs/TSTEs because as its getting more known and is being talked about right now, there are many variables and variations from one TGPs/TSTEs to the next. All this added a lot of time before a chip could be relased at least in my mind, but that was just one small area to work on with the chip, same holds true with all the "kits" I am looking at doing, many details to proof out!!!!


So, in remembering the responses and suggestions I have gotten about my posts in the past :lol: , let me say that this post is just "in general" and not a reply at anyone in particular. These are just facts to me, deal with them and go on, I don’t expect to change the opinions of everyone, life is too short for that, and not worth it, take this info and use what you can to help understand the workings behind the scenes. Also my posts need to be read with a factual mono-tone voice, no yelling, no hidden meanings or attacks on anyone. Read the entire statment made here, don't pick out just one little sentance and make a big thing over it, I am not :lol: . It was also an opportunity for me to share some background, even vent a little frustration :lol: with this commitment I have made to say, 4,000 cars :roll: , wish there were as many TGPs as there are Camero/Firebirds :evil: .


I am going to be limited in my time on the Internet, so if there are a number of replies, you might not see an answer right away, besides I need to focus on those kits I promised 8) !


Thanks for listing


Jeff M

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1st of all I dont envy you at all. I wouldn't and couldn't deal with all the requests and questions you must get from disgruntled TGP owners. I'm glad there is someone who is passionate about these cars. Quite frankly, If I hadn't had a chipped TGP in the past, I wouldn't have my current 29k mile TGP. I knew what the car was capable of with your chip. I wanted to experience the car in as new condition as possible but modded. If the chip wasn't available, I wouldn't own a TGP period. My first experience would have been,"this things a slug, I wont buy another one again." Instead I'm a 3 time TGP owner and a 3 time customer of yours. Do I want more? Hell yea! Can I wait? Well if you say there's something coming that will make my TGP even faster and more fun, I'll wait as long as needed.



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I am going to be limited in my time on the Internet,


Whew, I hope so after that. That would use up about 3 days of my internet time. :lol: I don't even have enough time to read it let alone type it. :wink:

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I am going to be limited in my time on the Internet,


Whew, I hope so after that. That would use up about 3 days of my internet time. :lol: I don't even have enough time to read it let alone type it. :wink:


Shit, I envy him, I wish I could just do what I LOVED, instead of my current 40-80 hour grind... of course we've talked about that haven't we? Then, it just becomes another job. And soon, you get all grumpy like Jeff does... or Maybe it's just because he's old :nana:



Just kidding, we love ya Jeff.



*coughs* tranny clutches *cough* :D

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