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Stereo Stolen !!


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my 89 regal gs was broken into at school (might not of locked the driver door that day coz it was way too early in the mornin) anyway, they hid my subs/box under someone's truck and were carryin my 3rd sub and amp and a cop caught them when they were like 50 feet from the car. they made up some story about me lettin them take it to pawn and all that and told the cop which car they gotthe stuff from. i got it all abck, but had to redo the wireing do to them cutting everything eventho i had screwdrivers in the trunk. now i rigged up some brackets that bolt infront of the box and a board on there with the amp on it and a cage over it bolted up and no way to get in the trunk cept with a key, so i got an alarm too and life is great

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Yea it sucks when someone steals all the shit you worked hard for. I live down here in Pa. like in the middle of cornfields. Think i'd be safe. Nope. few years ago me and my bro were messin around with are cars with neons and stuff. Some guys walked pasted and looked in at us and saw we had some nice stuff in are cars. That night we were up late watchin South Park and we heard some ppl talkin and then something break. We are all crazy hicks down here so we got the guns and their car didn't make it out of the drive way. Got everything back and then a few because of damages.

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I feel ur pain, When our 85 1/2 monte was stolen, and the raidio was stolen, we got a battery powered radio and put that on the floor... Sounded pretty good though.... 8)

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dang this is an old thread, anyhow i wish my stereo would get stolen, stupid broken sony POS.


i do know a guy who had a stereo that looked really nice, but would scratch cds and not work half the time, he got it stolen and he was the happiest man alive, his insurance paid for a new one too.

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hell, since its revived....i'll just ressurect the 1st post on this forum :shock: :lol: anyways.....about a blinking red light. i still have the clifford light on the grain panel trim.(the alarm brain burned up in mah fire :oops: ) what would i need to do to make that blink like it used to when armed via a switch?

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