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Stereo Stolen !!


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Thats terrible. Ive never had the experience so i cant say i feel your pain, but im sure it must piss you off a ton. im sorry to hear that :guns: to fuckheads

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Did you have an alarm installed??


I know how you feel, I had my stereo stolen once out of my old car. Now I always take out my faceplate, and have an alarm with multiple sensors as well as alarm paging.


If all else fails, I pay $10/month to have my whole system insured for $5000!


I feel for you...

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This summer some shitheads broke into my car twice, the first time they took my freshly installed fixed face cd player and a wallet of burn't cds. The second time they wern't so lucky they just got my door unlocked when my cousin pulled into the parking lot with his escort. They saw him jumped in their RAM my cousin relizes it wasn't me (it was midnight), chases them to get their plate number and I press charges. Now I have a kenwood detach face and I keep that and my cd's in the house.


Now I forget my cd's constantly, and I still feel like any belongings in my car are not safe, those bastards have a "slim jim" (device used by cop's to unlock car doors) and the first time they even locked my doors right back up I got in it and looked down and said what the f***, @!#$%%, !&$^&**.

Atleast they were careful and didn't leave a single scratch on my car because now I know their names :twisted: :twisted: I feel your pain :cry:

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yah i know a place (Surplus) that has packages of slimjims for different types of cars, and a manual! u can get the whole set for $20 CDN! i might even go buy one.....only problem is getting around people's security systems......

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Thank goodness for alarms!

During Spring 2000 just a week or two before I moved out of my parents' house, the neighborhood got hit. One guy's Lumina got TRASHED. The girl next door's truck got broken into. My stepdad's truck window got shattered. My car had an alarm with blinky light, they tried to pry on my window with a flathead screwdriver, but I guess it was then that they noticed my blinky light.

Good thing too, I didn't have low-budget equipment... a pair of JL 12's in the trunk, 2 amps, Sony Mobile ES CDX-C90 head unit ($1200@crotchfield at the time), 6-MD changer, Mobile ES 10-CD changer, etc. They woulda hit jackpot had they got in it, mine was the only one with an aftermarket stereo that also had an alarm, and mine was also the only one where they didn't succeed in getting in.


It proves that even a blinky light is enough to deter thieves... if they even THINK there's an alarm in there, they'll hit easier targets.

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one time a friend of mine went into a car audio place askin for the best alarm they have, no matter what it costs...the guy simply said, we can give u the top of the line, but the best alarm would be a blinking red l.e.d., it's so true, i'm gonna put one in mine

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dude, that sucks about your stuff being stolen.....personally never had it happen to me and hope it never does cause I'd be VERY pissed.........one time when my parents had my car(back in 95) they locked both sets of keys in it a a grocery store and the dumb ass cops couldn't even open the doors of the 93 GP with a slimjim......they had to get someone from pontiac roadside assistance or whatever to cut a key using the VIN #

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ARGH!!! that is something that totally makes me want to kill somone. I had that happen on several occasions.


First time, I had my 86 Grand Prix stolen and they totally raped that car. They busted into the right rear quarter window to unlock the door. The car was parked in front of my friends house, and it was stolen sometime between 6pm and 9pm, so not very late. I am sure they loved that ride, I had replaced the 305 with a stroker 383, 3.73 gears, Auburn Diff, nice wheels and tires, ratchet shifter, worked tranny, lots of suspension upgrades (not lowered or jacked, done right). I had two MTX amps, a MTX twin 10" bandpass box, Infinity Kappa 6x9's in back (used those adapters) and Kappa 5 1/4" components up front (custom made kick panels). They yanked the entire amp assembly (wiring, distribution blocks, etc), subs, speakers, stole the "Pontiac" chrome air cleaner with a K&N filter, chrome master cylinder cover (go figure), broke my glove box wide open (was unlocked) to find the head unit (I had that on me), then they tried to steal the wood steering wheel I had (was a $170.00 steering wheel) and totally wrecked in the process. They dented up the rear quarter panels, and of course destroyed the steering column to start the car. In the process of removing the amps, they shorted out the electrical system when they let the main 4guage power wire hit bare metal. They fried my ECM. The car was never the same. The Police found it in some alley.


A year later, after I had the car repainted, someone broke into it again. The paint job (sanded to bare metal, all dents repaired right, ncie white pearl paint) was two weeks old and they totally wrecked the trunk lid trying to pop the lock. The sad thing is, is they never did, they just succeeded in denting up the trunk lid and stripping out/destroying the lock. IF THEY WOULD HAVE LOOKED THEY WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT I DIDN"T EVEN HAVE A DECK INSTALLED!!!! I never put one back in the car, and have actually removed the deck! OH!!! and that was AFTER I installed a $600.00 Clifford alarm system, and had this huge flashing red light wher you could see it from over 10feet away from the car.


NEXT!!! a few months later, my 91 Z28 was sitting out under the car port i nthe alley, and someone broke into that and ripped my custom installed (really nice custom paneling, carpeting, hidden wiring) system. Two Eclipse amps, Boston Acoustic Pro Series 10" sub. They also broke the plastic molding trim along the headliner by the window (they used the pry-the-window-away-from-the-car trick). They also chipped and scraped my window and rear bumper up bad. They tried to get the custom kick pods with Boston Acoustic 6 1/2" components, but failed or had to run.

THEN!!! after I install an alarm on that car (yeah slow learner), they tried again and popped the molding again, and chipped up the other window. THIS WAS AFTER THE ALARM WAS INSTALLED!!! and had a flashing light on it.... I gave up at that point and moved to a house that didn't have an alleyway. The people were never caught. I swear it was the same people that stole my car in the first place. They probably got the info from my plates somehow, then began having a field day with my cars.


There were nights I couldn't sleep and would just sit in the dark, waiting to catch them again, and had a large metal rod just waiting so I could beat them to a bloody pulp. I have no remorse, no sympathy for people like that. I certainly don't have any if they are caght, or are injured/killed in the process. They can just die. Ok, done being violent-minded heh. I think I'll post in the FUCK post.

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I have no remorse, no sympathy for people like that. I certainly don't have any if they are caght, or are injured/killed in the process. They can just die.


I totally agree!


It does sound like you had hardcore criminals where you lived, but it also sounded like you lived in a pretty rough neighborhood (the mention of an "alleyway" makes me think that).

Most criminals in surburban neighborhoods are deterred by the mere presence of an alarm, unless they know you personally and you're targeted.

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Yeah, I was right on the outskirts where it started to get bad. Lots of young families, I actually felt safe, but I also felt as though I was singled out and they kept returning looking for new goodies. Yeah the alarms just didn't mean much to them. The next morning I'd come out and hit the alarm and sure enough, it would give me that "warning beep". I even had proximity sensors on both of them. You couldn't peer into the window without it going "EEEEHHHH!!!!" at you. Didn't phase them one bit. I think they worked on it till someone came into the alleyway or a light came on at someone's house. They kept working on it, alarm and all.


I have never been so mad in my life.

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Thank god my cars right door dosnt lock. If it was me ida broke the windows to get in. I was talking to the police today and giving them serial numbers its a long shot but who knows people are really dumb in Georgia..





89 Olds Cutlass 2Door

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Thank god my cars right door dosnt lock. If it was me ida broke the windows to get in. I was talking to the police today and giving them serial numbers its a long shot but who knows people are really dumb in Georgia..





89 Olds Cutlass 2Door


"people are really dumb in Georgia"...lol...I resent that....j/k......about 99.995% of the people in GA are dumb, excluding you and I of course.

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I got an idea for you guys that works wonders for me...


First off, you need to install anything aftermarket in the stock location with no aftermarket speaker grilles or EQ or anything visible.


What you do is carefully remove your STOCK radio's faceplate and krazy glue the buttons and knobs back on so it looks right. Next, take an old CD and cut it in half so its half moon shaped and epoxy it to the back of the STOCK faceplate so when you remove your AFTERMARKET faceplate from your stereo you can then insert the STOCK faceplate over it and into the CD slot. If your crafty it will look good enough to fool a theif. Mine works excellent and with no alarm I have never (knock on wood!) had an incident and the stereo, amps, speakers, and sub box are all intact.

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Well, I think that normally works great, I have heard of people wiring up the stock face of the deck to work with an aftermarket deck (there's an electrical engineer for you). Tough, in my case, all they had to do was look in the car and see a GAPING HOLE WITH WIRES HANGING OUT! to get the idea that there was nothing to take.

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hey i kinda got an idea......i dunno how stupid it is or not...but instead of making detach face head units why not detachable sleeve? What could be made is a unit that when a button or lever is pushed the entire unit slides out of its mounting kit sleeve to be stored elsewhere, and ready to be snapped right back in. I dunno i didnt really think of any cons to that idea, im sure you guys will i only thought of the idea and one or 2 pros

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hey i kinda got an idea......i dunno how stupid it is or not...but instead of making detach face head units why not detachable sleeve? What could be made is a unit that when a button or lever is pushed the entire unit slides out of its mounting kit sleeve to be stored elsewhere, and ready to be snapped right back in. I dunno i didnt really think of any cons to that idea, im sure you guys will i only thought of the idea and one or 2 pros


:lol: :lol: :lol: You're really young aren't ya!!! :D Well, either that or I'm really old. :( Back in the late 80's and as recently as 90-91, that's how almost all but the cheapest aftermarket car stereos were! In 92 or so is when the removable face started replacing pullout stereos as the security method of choice.


Here's an Alpine.



And a Kenwood.









Wow, there sure isn't very many of them on Ebay, and they're all cassette players. I MUST be old if I remember these things! :lol:

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Guest RedCutlassSL

Heres my trick, attach razor blades to the back of it, right where you would grab it if you were stealing something very fast, and not watching what you are doing. I figure hey, if the fuckers actually do get past everything, fuck there hands up. Motherfuckers!!! :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:

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Ya thats very true and very stupid, I was thinking about hooking some machine guns to the top of my shed and if sombody tried to get in my car without hitting a certain button then.... I have heard many stories of thiefs and drunk people breaking into houses either to steal or because they dont know where they are, they get injured and sue. I couldn't belive a story I heard on the radio a year or two ago a drunk guy broke into some one's house and claimed he thought it was his, some how he injured himself sued the home owners and won, and the house wasn't even booby trapped :roll:

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i keep it all stock at least visibly ..... i put cd changer controller in the ashtray.. get this.. it *SNAPS* right into place. then i just close the ashtray whenever i'm not looking at the controller. i would like to think i'm safe *knock on wood*.


heres a photo. the controller is from the JVC CH-X1100RF cd changer



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