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power antenna


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my car has a power antenna and it has power to the motor and the motor turns but the antenna doesn't move...is there somewhay i can fix this or what should i buy to fix or replace? thanks for your input

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You'll have to take the antenna apart. There are plastic gears in there that wear away and jam things up. Or else the antenna has somehow became disconnected, but my bet is on the first.

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Actually, IIRC, the gears don't even break (most cases)... just plastic shavings from them wear off and clog things up. I thought I heard of a replacement gear kit, but I'll be damned if I remember where from.

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Try eBay for a replacement antenna mast. Most likely the plastic piece that pushes the mast up/down has broken or stripped a tooth. It can be as simple as pulling the old mast off and cycling the on/off button on your radio while you push the new mast cable in. I ended up buying a whole new unit for around $25 off ebay and it wired in easily enough. I tried to take the base apart to see if I could fix it, but I just messed up the whole thing, so it was cheaper to buy the new unit. It is simple to replace, though. Good luck.

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yes i took it apart today and the plastic thing had broken so i geuss ill try to find a replacement ill start with ebay thanks


if you replace it be sure to take pics for a write up....my power antenna is currently disconnect in the "up" position because the motor is tempremental....

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