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Delco plugs and gapping

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so...today i went to my favoritist parts counter to get my replacement platinum Delco plugs recommended for my motor and i came out surprised. did anyone else know that AC Delco changed the part number and now give Iridium plugs in place of the platinums?


i didnt, so now have Delco iridiums to install.


also...when i pulled just one of my old plugs, i noticed the gap on it was .65 inches instead of .45. would this be where my shitty mileage was coming from?


just curious...


could be, but don't expect a big gas mileage increase



all my plugs were way overgapped (which is why i believe platnum plugs are a waste of money) and my mileage didn't change when i put new plugs in. i still get shitty milage


yeah, you might notice a little more MPG, but if you had any trouble getting the car start, that'll prolly go away with new plugs

96/97 calls for a .060 gap. All of mine are at .045 and I like the outcome vs. .060.


Mine are also supposed to be gapped at .060


I reall yneed to cahnge my plugs, I bouhgt some Bosh plugs before but returned them when I found out they sucked ass.

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