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tranny is toast.


so i'm going to some shop refrenced by the school. hopefully they can give me a price under $1500 kajiggers.


to all of those who have lost your tranny, how much did it cost to get it rebuilt?


yes, i'm getting mine rebuilt, along with just about the whole front end.


half shafts, ball joints, and all those loose odds and ends, also that annoying little 02 sensor. a bolt got broken off in my manifold, (where it connects to the cat) so thats gonna get drilled out and replaced.


oo yeah, also got a leaky o-ring seal, gonna do that when my car goes to the shop.


so in a way, this is a blessing, because now that i accually have to pull out a whole bunch of goodness, i can finally get my hands on all those loose odds and ends, so this thing is gonne run better then your momma's new caddy :D


hopefully if they don't fuck anything up.


so yeah, horray for blown trannies i guess.


well i gotta say this wreck is a mixed blessing for me too


i'm finally getting all the front end work i've been putting off fixed right.


oo yeah i also ran scan tool on everything on my car.


my abs doesn't work because of my left rear wheel speed sensor.


and the only other code i could find was a bad o2 sensor.


me and my Dad pulled mine. at the auto shop we work at. (he is a mechanic). Then I pushed it across the shop to another guy that used to rebuild them at the dealer. I paid him 200.00 cash and paid for parts including a new TC and boom under 500.00.

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