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What are the common signs of a failing alternator....


Whenever i turn my stereo up (with any hard hitting bass) it almost seems to be looseing power to the speakers yet my lights dont dim but the volt meter drops


i have the stock bose speakers with a JVC radio


i have already checked thr ground wires


any suggestions




With just an aftermarket headunit that shouldn't cause the voltage to drop much/any. With my sub cranked up my volt meter dropped (when I had it in the 88') and my lights dim. I know I probably need some better ground wires.


has this ever happened to anyone i suspect its something with the headunit but not sure


or maybe something with the bose amp and speakers


also ive read that bose runs on different ohm rating anyone know anything about this


---this is one reason u can not hook up bose speakers straight through a normal radio


Yes, the Bose system is 1 ohm instead of the usual 4. The only thing you're doing now is eating up your headunit. It isn't designed to handle the 1 ohm load. If you happen to like your current HU, Either get new speakers and wiring or put the Bose deck back in.


What model/year car?


its a 93 Z43 and scion (er something like that) sells a conversion thing that is suppost to make them compatable....


can i replace just the speakers and not the wires and AMP


Is there speakers in the dash on these cars...it has a grill like it would but thought that might me for cars without the bose system...i cant hear anything out of them


no speakers in the dash of bose equiped cars... good ridens too i pulled mine out a few months back and haven't looked back, the door speakers sound sooo much better then dash speakers.


i'm a nutjob who decided to add bose equipment to a non bose car, currently i have the amp mounted in the rear deck and the wiring ran up to the dash but its not hooked up yet.


so right now i'm useing a sony HU with 4 bose speakers, i don't know what everyone says about them being junk, personally they sound prety damn good to me, as for the 1ohm load killing your head units, i've been useing mine for awhile now if i have the volume up for too long it will want to go into protected mode, but thats it. i'm sure different HUs will react differently, my awia DID NOT like those speakers at all.


if your running this all through the stock bose amp for very long, it will fry.


and to get rid of the bose eqquipemnt you can still use your stock wiring, its been awhile but i believe i still remember how to bypass the amp. i'll check my pictures i took when i did it last.


you may also want to check your AUX terminal under the hood by the battery, that may explain the volt meeter droping.


any more questions don't be affraid to ask


i cleaned the AUX power terminal and it didnt seem to make much of a difference and im intrested in how to bypass the amp




alrighty this is not for the faint of heart (requires choping)


cut into the guts of the large connector that goes into the amplifier

there is a sub harnas inside it with 5 wires (black, blue, green, yellow)


black = ground

blue = LR

brown = RR

green = RF

yellow = LF


fab up 2 small pieces of wire to run to the rear speakers, put all negatives to the one ground, many of these wires are not used, don't worry about it


patch the green / yellow wires that are locates elsewhere in the harnas into the harnas then there ought to be a gray and dark green wire that need patched into the ground as well. its been about 6 months since i did this last, it may or may not be correct


will this make it run on the normal 4ohms and what do i do with the the Amplifier Integration thing in behind the stereo


I bought the car with it in so i dont no much about it


Can anybod verify that is the correct procedure

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