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signs of bad fuel injecors?

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what are some sighs of bad or cloged fuel injectors?


i have been experienceing some difficulty starting the car.. turns over and over and wont fire then it will stumble then it fires up and runs fine for the duration of the day.. im wondering if my fuel injectors are wearing out.. at first i thought it was my fuel filter so i changed it and i still have this problem.


Fuel injectors almost never clog. I'd check your fuel pressure first off, if its fuel related it usually the filter, pump, or regulator. If the pressure is okay then I'd move on to more expensive and harder to fix items such as the injectors.


A clogged injector by the way should cause an SES light since you'll have either a lean condition as seen by an O2 sensor, or a misfire condition at the very least. If the injectors are leaky however you'll have trouble starting since the cylinders will be flooded, and you'd probably see a small bit of white-ish colored smoke at start up.


it might be the fuel pump or preasure regulator.. the car has been getting kinda doggy but usually recovers in higher rpms


i will test to see if im getting any preasure in the fuel rail.. there is a relieve nozil there


not to hijack, but could a bad injector cause a 3.4 (92') to have difficulty starting sometimes, and cause a miss?


The starting difficulty isn't too likely. This is mainly due to the fact that when you first start your car the ECM fires all six injectors at once since it dosen't "remember" where the crank is in its rotation. After one rotation it gets data from the crank sensor and it starst firing the fuel injectors one at a time as it normally would. Anywho, the point is that since all cylinders are getting a dump of fuel to begin with its not likely a single bad injector would cause starting problems.


A bad fuel injector could however cause a miss if the fuel delivery isn't up to par, but again, actual clogged injectors are pretty rare.


My grandpa's Buick Centry just had a fuel injector go out. I forget the price but it was expensive as hell. He told me to start using the add to the tank fuel injector cleaner every year just to be safe.

Guest TurboSedan

have you checked your spark plugs? if just one of the fuel injectors was starting to fail, i would guess that it would show signs on that cylinder's spark plug.

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