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irritating noise(s!) coming from 3.4

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problem 1:

Lately i have been noticing a 'metal-on-metal' ratling noise durring idle and lower speeds. i poped the hood and i think its the ac compressor. If i just let it sit it will rattle a lot and then sometimes you can hear it (what sounds like) locking up and spinning correctly again. When i was earing out where the sound was coming from thats where it seemed like it was at, and while checking that out when the engine was on i saw that the the outside of the compressors pully wheel there was something spinning, it was rotating every once and a while like it was loose the would pause and then rotate again :-/ any ideas?


problem 2:

when the cold weather rolled in i started noticing a 'hiss-like' noise. Eversense i got the car i have sorta known there is a intake man gasket leak. I sprayed along the injector line and my irratic idle dissapeared untill the liquid was absorbed (please correct me if im wrong), but now when i rev it up or accelerate and let off i can hear a faint hiss noise. as it downshifts or just idles down. Could the break in the gasket got larger and caused this noise? I dont really notice any performance decrease, but tomorrow (wednesday) i am tearing it down and replacing the gasket and find out it is the intake man gasket, should i notice an increase in powa?


should i notice an increase in powa?

Kinda sorta not really. I noticed when mine was re-done it was alot more responsive. Seems to jump to 3000rpm alot quicker and the overall sound of the engine improved.


Dont know about the rest sorry :?


get under the car when it's running (not driving) towards the AC compressor, squirt some wd-40 or other lightweight oil at the compressor between the front part (that isn't moving) and the part that is moving, this may help quiet the sound, if it does, then you know where that noise is commin' from.


as for the leak, the intake gasket may be part of it, *or* you could have a leak in one of the vacuum modulators in the HVAC system actin' kinda funny or just making noise (not a leak) if the vacuum resivoir is leaking/not working for some reason.



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