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Turn off the heat in park, car almost dies...

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Wow, this is really wierd. So, yeah, I'm driving, and I pull into my parking spot. I put my car in park, and its fine. But as soon as I hit the off button on the heater controls, the idle drops to like 500-600 RPM and about dies. Turn the heat back on, and it acts normal again.


Anyone ever experience anything like this???


WTF Slick, all I hear about the Z is heartache. Aren't you the one that had that nice Grand Prix awhile back?


Which vacuum line do you think it would be?


Yeah, it was a 94 GP, 2dr, spoilerless. The body was perfect, and the car ran great.


Sounds like it might be idling a bit out of range for what the engine should idle at without load.


When you put some load on the engine, it stays running, but when it goes into a no or minimum-load situation, it is near death? Is that what's happening? No other symptoms?


I would suggest cleaning the IAC/throttle body, and doing an idle relearn on it. 500-600rpm is a bit low on the idle, especially unloaded, and could definitely be contributing to stability problems, especially in these reduced temperatures.


Yep, when not under load, it drops pretty low in park. But when under load, its fine.


I figured it would be something along the lines of the IAC. I'll check that out tomorrow.

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