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3100 SFI into my 90 Euro

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I am having a problem gettin the 3 knob HVAC to function in the Lumina w/o the use of MORE switches.. So, I got to thinking.. Take the ECM, 3100 SFI, and the dash harness and stick the damn things in my 90.. Or, if there is an easier way to get the 3 knobs to work in my car, i.e. just swapping engine harnesses, dash harnesses, and ECMs.. I really am unsure at this point about it.. If I could get a complete 3100 setup cheap enough.. (The parts I stated to swap in), then I can have the 3.1 for my 6000.. It's something that, the quicker it can get done, the better.. Any input on this, I appreciate it!

Guest Anonymous

Your swapping your engine just to get a non-lumi hvac control box to work? You truly are psycho!


I dont know steve, but if you start swapping all that, your other gadgets may not work, like the cluster.


beavis.gif Yeah, heh heh heh, GET A JOB HIPPIE!!! Heh heh heh-m-heh...


Before you go and drop in a completely new harness and motor, take out the airbox. I'd imagine the reason the 3-Knob head-unit isn't controlling your system is because it's incompatible with the actuators on the airbox. An airbox from a GP with the 3-Knobber would be the logical piece to swap in (grab all the wiring as well.) I think the head-unit "sends commands" to whatever is really controlling the actuators on the airbox, which are most likely different between your Lumina and the GP you got the head-unit out of.


Hit up the Library. When I first had trouble with my LeSabre's HVAC head-unit, I thought of switching to one from a Bonneville until I looked up the schematics at the Library. It turns out the entire HVAC systems between similar cars (H-Bodies in this case) were set up completely different. We're talking wiring, actuators, the whole works. I had figured that if I wanted Bonneville controls, I'd have to get everything including the airbox out of a Bonneville...


I hate to say it but I think you might have bitten off more than you can chew. Personally I wouldn't consider swapping wiring/ecm etc not just for the fact that it's more work than it's worth but you'd be changing your car to OBD1.5 which would screw you on a number of issues. Not sure what year your 3-nobber came out of but if it's first gen I believe the heater box is essentially the same I think it's just the ducting to the dash that's different. There may be a different control unit, the actuators may be different...... but who knows???


I don't think anyone has the expertise in this area to help, you're treading into uncharted waters here as you seem to do. I don't really think there's gonna be a quick solution to get the 3-knobber working, not before snow flies anyway.


Worst case I would ditch the 3-knob HVAC and put the stock unit back in, hell move it to the center console so as to not screw up your other plans but that would be the quickest simplest solution I can think of.



Good Luck


Hmmmm.. Well.. My initial plans here were in fact to go 3100 Turbo anyway.. That's why I figure, get the thing in there.. Im sure I can fugyre out the dam,n thing.. But.. Disco, if you'd like, sometime we can meet up at UPull North and hit the GPs for the actuators n stuff you're talkin about.. You can PM me if you'd be interested.. I think Im availabler on Saturday until about 5.. Sunday, same deal.. Then you can show me waht the hell to grab.. PM me like I said though.. Thanks for all the input!! lol


Man, I really wanted to head up there this weekend, but I'm going to be fuckin busy all damn weekend. I should be free next Friday or Saturday (I work Sundays :? .) I just hope those GP's aren't picked clean by then!!! I'll drop ya a PM next Thursday to see if you still want to go out there. Which ever day I don't go to U-Pull, I'm going to be installing my new "JC-Shitney" Bulldog Keyless Entry system and my 6-Disc Delco changer (and cable) in the GP...


If you are going to use 3100 electronics....try using the OBD-1.5 stuff...I've driven quite a few 97 lumina's with the 3100 and they aren't nearly as powerful as the '94's ive driven.


Both my cutlass and my sister's (both '94's with 3100's) are snappy as hell compared to a '97.


yeah most definately if your going to do all the work at swapping goto the 3400SFI...more bang for your buck!


i'm sure there is someway to get it to work without swapping engines.... :?

If you are going to use 3100 electronics....try using the OBD-1.5 stuff...I've driven quite a few 97 lumina's with the 3100 and they aren't nearly as powerful as the '94's ive driven.


Both my cutlass and my sister's (both '94's with 3100's) are snappy as hell compared to a '97.

And I thought it was all in my head that my 95 GP is "snappier" than my 96 Lumina :lol: . I was thinking along the lines of "the exhaust note is sportier, so I'm tricked into thinking the car is quicker..."
Man, I really wanted to head up there this weekend, but I'm going to be fuckin busy all damn weekend. I should be free next Friday or Saturday (I work Sundays :? .) I just hope those GP's aren't picked clean by then!!! I'll drop ya a PM next Thursday to see if you still want to go out there. Which ever day I don't go to U-Pull, I'm going to be installing my new "JC-Shitney" Bulldog Keyless Entry system and my 6-Disc Delco changer (and cable) in the GP...


Keep us upadted with that. I want to see how it turns out.


Sounds good, Disco.. If you ever decide to use MSN Messenger, lmao, you can hit me up there too.. But yea, if we decide a date, I'll give you my celly number.. I think next weekend Im available Saturday.. We can work it all out.. I'll need ya there to A) Show me what the hell to grab, and B) To meet up with someone who's totally awesome! LOL

Sounds good, Disco.. If you ever decide to use MSN Messenger, lmao, you can hit me up there too.. But yea, if we decide a date, I'll give you my celly number.. I think next weekend Im available Saturday.. We can work it all out.. I'll need ya there to A) Show me what the hell to grab, and B) To meet up with someone who's totally awesome! LOL
Hey, how about I call up Dave and he and I both put the boots to you for standing us up last Saturday :lol: :lol: :lol: . But seriously, I just dug out those photocopies I made of the H-Body HVAC system (not like I have the patience to look over every last bit :wink: ) so I'll bring those along. Saturday sounds good to me, BTW. I just hope next weekend isn't all rainy and shitty so I can get some shit done! I go on Messenger every now and then and haven't caught you on there yet :shrug: , ah well. But yea, drop me an e-mail Thursday or Friday ( kbworldhq@msn.com ) and we can work out the details then...
If you are going to use 3100 electronics....try using the OBD-1.5 stuff...I've driven quite a few 97 lumina's with the 3100 and they aren't nearly as powerful as the '94's ive driven.


Both my cutlass and my sister's (both '94's with 3100's) are snappy as hell compared to a '97.

And I thought it was all in my head that my 95 GP is "snappier" than my 96 Lumina :lol: . I was thinking along the lines of "the exhaust note is sportier, so I'm tricked into thinking the car is quicker..."


My '94 ran almost .5 seconds faster at the strip than another member's 97 (who's name excapes me) at the drag strip when both were CS 2-doors

My '94 ran almost .5 seconds faster at the strip than another member's 97 (who's name excapes me) at the drag strip when both were CS 2-doors
:shock: Holee sheeat, a half a tenth quicker?!? I guess I'm gonna have to talk the wife in to racing me with her Loomie to see if my OBD 1.5 3100 is quicker than her OBD II 3100 :D ...

i raced my 95 grand prix 3100 130k miles vs my little brothers 96 lumina 100k miles and the cars were dead even till 70ish when we let off

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