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Motor struggle & misfire... HELP!

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Alright. 1996 GP 3100. Had service engine light, and a "trans range sensor" code. Replaced sensor and light went out. Mean while, the car will stumble some, while at idle. Now I am getting a misfire, almost constantly. The service engine light flashes, but I don't really hear the misfire. So... I scanned it and I had a misfire in 2 cylinders. Coil right? Well I unplug the plug wires to test and it didn't seem to change much.


What do you think? I've boiled it down to coil, injector, ICM, TPS, ECM, fuel filter etc...


Any help would be greatly appreciated!




If its the coil pack you'd have a misfire in both of the paired cylinders, not just the one. And its not the ICM, because that causes major start up issues, as in your car will only start about 1 in every 6 times you try. TPS would likely cause misfiring in all cylinders as would a bad ECM. I'd say your problem is much more local than any of those things. Most likely a tiny vaccum leak, clogged injector, or a bad spark plug. I'd start with checking the plug in cylinder #2 to see what it looks like and go from there.


Well I replaced the plugs a few months ago, just because (only 80,000 miles) and everything seemed fine. Last night I unplugged 1 plug wire from each coil, one at a time of course. Then I started it, and I could hear the "spark" coming from the coil each time, so as it seems the coils are fine. When I scanned it I didn't notice which cylinders were misfiring, but I'm going back to Autozone for parts anyway so I will do it again.


How can I test the injectors?


Thanks for the help!!


If the problem with the injectors is electrical a simple resistance test will tell you whether they're good or not. If its mechanical (i.e. clogged or partially occluded) than you'd have to actually remove the injectors to check and clean them.

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