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Spark plug change

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I was looking around in my Chilton manual to find out when it is a good time to replace spark plugs but couldent find it anywhere. So I was wondering if it would be good to go ahead and change all my plugs, and how long till spark plugs need to be changed??


Well, runnin on stock plugs until 181,xxx isnt a good idea.. The ruklearound here is anywhere between 35,xxx and 50,xxx is time to change them..


Allright well i think im due for a spark plug change then. How much do spark plugs even cost and what kind are the best?


If you're looking for good plugs that won't cost an arm and a leg, stick with ACDelco factory plugs. they run for about 3$ for a pack of 2. (3$ up here in Canada, I don't know if they will cost you more or less) Oh yah, don't buy them at the dealership, just go to a place like Autozone or Pep Boys. Sorry, but thats all of the american auto stores that I can think of.


Yea.. Go to a franchised parts store.. If you go to the dealer, yoou better request some lube and bend over the copunter.. Stck AC Delcos are the best.. I have Bosch Platinum +4s in there, because they were free.. I know Ima get flamed, but they work fine w/ the 8.5 MM wires.. Those are a MUST when you use these.. But AC Delco ones are your best bet!


If you go with the standard nickel resistor AC plugs, change them every 10-12k miles. If you get the AC Delco Rapidfire plugs, change them every 30k or so.


With the 3800 motor, you won't have to tilt the motor forward. The rear 3 plugs are easily accessible (I like to perch myself up on the intake manifold to reach them better, but there are no clearance issues with the 3800...)

If you go with the standard nickel resistor AC plugs, change them every 10-12k miles. If you get the AC Delco Rapidfire plugs, change them every 30k or so.


With the 3800 motor, you won't have to tilt the motor forward. The rear 3 plugs are easily accessible (I like to perch myself up on the intake manifold to reach them better, but there are no clearance issues with the 3800...)


Yea i was reading my chilton and they said on some of the engines you have to rock it forward to change plugs

If you go with the standard nickel resistor AC plugs, change them every 10-12k miles. If you get the AC Delco Rapidfire plugs, change them every 30k or so.


With the 3800 motor, you won't have to tilt the motor forward. The rear 3 plugs are easily accessible (I like to perch myself up on the intake manifold to reach them better, but there are no clearance issues with the 3800...)


well thats good to hear. The plugs I changed on the Cutlass(3100) and my old Regal(2.8) were soooo easy in the front, but a knuckle buster in the back :cuss:


when you change the plugs, change the wires too... if you move the carbon core wires around, they'll break down on ya and it'll miss erratically at low throttle positions just cruising and run just fine at full throttle. Get AC Delco plug wires... lifetime warranty... get a free set any time you change your plugs...

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