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Radio question


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i had an aftermarket radio installed in my car about a year back, and the shop didn't use a harness plug to install it, they just cut right into the dash wiring harness using wire ties.


how hard is it going to be to put my stock radio back in this car?


the best thing would be to go to the wrecker and cut the plug off so you can just connect and solder all of the wires onto the stock plug, or if you want the whole harness then i don't know what u gotta do...


yeah, i don't feel like pulling the dash and playing around with all these wires, so i'll probably leave the headunit in the car when i sell it.


i didn't pay shit for it so it's not a big loss.


umm, if you look up the wiring diagram for the HU and have a haynes manual or something to relate the old harness too then yea ... but if you need me to scan the diagram for you i will do that for ya ... :D


i'll probably leave it in after thinking about it.


it'll probably make the car easier to sell


If you sell it to a private seller, it might be a selling point, but if you trade it in, they will give you less money for the car. Actually, believe it or not, your car is worth more on the open market (and trade-in wise) if it has the stock deck still in it (go figure :? .) On your next boneyard trip, cut a harness out of any 90-94 GM you see there and splice it in to your hacked wires (use "butt" splice connectors and the proper crimping tool and it should work golden...)


butthead.gif Huh huh huh, you said "butt!" Huh huh huh...

If you sell it to a private seller, it might be a selling point, but if you trade it in, they will give you less money for the car. Actually, believe it or not, your car is worth more on the open market (and trade-in wise) if it has the stock deck still in it (go figure :? .) On your next boneyard trip, cut a harness out of any 90-94 GM you see there and splice it in to your hacked wires (use "butt" splice connectors and the proper crimping tool and it should work golden...)


butthead.gif Huh huh huh, you said "butt!" Huh huh huh...



good info.


i really don't feel like tearing this dash apart again, but if i'll get more money for it with the stock radio then i'll probably do that


unless you got a real shitty aftermarket head then any difference would be negligable on the open market. I really think a good aftermarket unit will get you more money. I could see dealers being assholes about it because those factory units are expensive (for some reason!?). But you'd get more money on the open market than a trade in anyways so what does it matter?


At any rate I hate when installers hack up the factory harness to install a head unit. not only does it make it a pain to put the factory unit back in, but it's a pain to switch out one aftermarket for another. Whenever I get an aftermarket head unit from circuit city, I just ask them to attach the adapter harness to the back of the unit ($15 bucks) and then i can install it later myself. That way it's just plug and play for me, and it's way cheaper.


You have got to be kidding me. Were the installers MECP certified? If so, they should not have cut into your factory harness. Also, if they were, i'd report them to the MECP, with there names(if you remember there names), and where they work.


Just to let you know, where I work(Best Buy, car audio department), we sell reverse harnesses just incase something like this happens/cd player gets stolen and they cut the harness/etc. I think there $16.99, but don't quote me on it.


$16.99??? damn. last time i needed one for a 91 camaro i was working on i went to a junkyard and just choped one of out a cavilear, came home and soldered it in, all i had to do was match up the colors.


i have a 50wX4 Clarion hu. it sounds fine to me


on a hot day, it makes a grinding noise when a CD is played. i took it back to the shop about it, they said they changed out the unit but it does the same thing. i said fuck it, the radio is the least of the problems with this piece of shit car.


i went to a place called "Car Tunes" i guess it's a small chain in my area. i didn't want to go to Mickey Shoor, because i know a guy who had some shit stolen there, and Best Buy/Circuit City doesn't impress me, most of the sales staff doesn't know shit about what they sell.


i figure i'll leave it in the car.

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