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Using 2nd Gear will damage transmission??


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I was browsing the owner's manual ('92 Lumina) and I came across a warning that stated transmission damage can occur if the car is driven for a length of time in 2nd gear.


Does anyone know why this is so? Is it an excessive heat issue? Poor design?


I drive in some mountainous terrain and 2nd gear is used quite often for prolonged periods of time.

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I believe they are talking about if you drive down the freeway in second gear.. second gear is a good tol, and is designed foir exactly what you use it for.. But yes, damage can occur if you use it for long time frame.. Like a beat from St. Paul to Chicago.. Not to mention it guzzles gas 8)

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Steve.. you're close, as that's part of the answer but also ...


"Manual 2nd" as it's called engages a band to activate that perticular drum/planetary set - where as when it's normally in drive it uses a set of clutch packs to activate it.



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Genereally using the band to activate a gear will cause a LOT of extra heat because of the pressures needed to hold it, and the fact that no matter how tight you get the band, it will still slip (unless you're workin' on an old torque flight transmission in which case the bands are SO big they won't allow anything to slip, so you'll burn out your sun gears)



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