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Proud owner of a 90 Black TGP (story)


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Well I just bought NitroDaves' TGP. As much fun as he had with it..it also had its better days with him. The car needs alot of work. Heres a list of things that need work or replaced:


Turbo (wiped out bearings, compressor wheel damaged)

Trans (1st, 2nd gear only. Saw metalic shavings in oil...clutch pack hub?)

Rebuilt engine


Sort out wiring grimlins

Need new headliner (missing)

Redo interior

Drivers handle missing

Needs new paint job

Front Valance

Missing louvers' watter catch trays

Power master III

New rotors..all

HUD didn't seem to work

That's it for now. Im sure I'll find something else as I look.


Whats good about it: All documentation was included..even the cassets and original window sticker, Jeff M chip, Looks like a rebuilt x-over..J&M studios x-over???, Love the Nascar spoiler., It's black . Was setup for N2o (Looked like a Dry kit)., Stright body, looks like two new tires, Tinted already, rear deck lid is still looking good.


What hell my brothers and I had to go thrugh to get this car. Almost a month of back and forth of emails, work held me back, other expenses. Then finaly the day came. Well I planed to get there at 6 or 6:30 at Davys. Went to U-crap early in the morning (9am) to rent a car port (I was originaly going to rent a dolly but didn't want to risk it). I had to wait 30 min till they attended me. Got them to inspect my Dads 89 F350. Well it failed cuz one of the bumbers bolts somehow got loose :cry: . Had to come back home. I tried tighening it..but wouln't budge-wd40, torch, brake fluid..nothing. Got the sledge and hit it in cuz it was sticking out. Then I saw that the tread was wiped out. So I try to remove it instead of tightening it..nope..scruew it..got the big honking CV axle Braker board :evil: . That thing twisted off like butter..and broke in half :twisted: . Got a new bolt and nut..ready to roll. Went back to U-crap. Waited another 30min. again..and both times I was the 2nd costomer :? :shrug: . Then they got to me..inpected it..Passed :) . Well I had to wait another hour cuz the dam U-crap computers were scruewing up..or the guy didn't know what he was doing :evil: . Then finaly off we went. Well not even 70miles down the road..I start to hear a raddle sound. I hint it was Knock. Didn't think much for a while listening to the radio..then it got worse and worse. I was going to pull over when it was too late :shock: . It had already overheated ..thanks Idiot guage!! :verymad: . Waited a hour till it cooled and the radiator had boiled itself dry..WTF!. Well I moved the timming with my hands..the dist bolt down was LOOSE. I tighen it up and got 5 warm 12oz water bottles to atleast maket it to the Gas station..Nope!. Overheated again in less than 1/2 a mile..nowehre to pullover..and then it happened :oops: :cry: . Putting. I knew exacly what happed. The exhaust valves gave. I finaly pulled over and called my dad the truck was dead. Waited 2hrs till he got there. We check for watter in the oil ..nope.thats good..watter leaks..nope.. checked the distributor..LOOSE AGAIN. DAM bolt!!! :motz2: :bs: . Well he did something and we headed back home. It was 5 by then. Called Davy about my mishap and the good guy he is..said it was OK, He was going to be home all day and didn't work on monday. So anytime would be good. :D THanks Davy. Well the truck didn't over heat going home..good work pops. Freaking Ford! Called all my people around that owed me favors and got my co wokers 99 Dodge Ram. Got hooked up and went (up yours Uhaul :flip: ). Well we got lost in the Houston wreck of a highway system..and found my way to Angleston. (1:30am) Called Davy..And finaly met him. :cheers: . We talked for a while. All about the car though :wink: . Well we got things going and Davy got us back to the highway..thanks again Davy!. We didn't have much for words since we were half asleep and tired from the evening :think: :werd: . We were excited about the Car non the less. I got a triple shot of energy drinks :alcoholic: (not alcohol) and went home..6am and it was done. :cheers: I am now officialy a member!

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Well it was a good deal. 400 was the asking price...he'd spend almost 3grand just on the tranny. Its in good hands. :D . My plans for now is to strip it down and fix her back up (restore). In the process..make it a 12 sec car if I play my cards right 8) . Slowly but sherly. Pics soon. I get off of work late night.


As far as the blue oval...were going to remove the heads and hope that the heads aren't warped or cracked. I know the valves are gone. Its funny though..this engines been rebuilt 3 times!. We bought the engine remanufacture from City Motor Supply..then the heads gave..bad heads. Then not even a day..the distributor gear went...bad cam gear. Then the intake had a leak..heads cut too much. And now....Prob need heads again..and check the tread on the distributor bolt down tab hole. They prob won't honor the warrenty this time since it overheated :cry: .

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Hey man it was great to meet you, but Dave was not completely alert that night for reasons. I had put a few beers down since I thought you couldn't make it and I went out.

My wife saw you name on the caller id and she called me over at my friends house and I was like shit man I thought he wasn't coming. Then I called you. I wish you could have came sooner and maybe we could've talked about more than the car, hell I would've taken ya'll out to eat, but like you said....WAY late, but it wasn't a problem at all. I'm glad ya'll made it back in one piece and I hope you enjoy the car.


BTW, I didn't have everything ready for you and I apologize about that but I do have somethings for you, so PM me or I'll PM you.

Keep me posted

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Yea..it was late. I tried calling before..but the line was buisy..and then I couln't get a signal. But if im in town again..im always up for grub.. :D . Yea..I wish we could have hung out for a while. :wink: . Your brother and his friend make good company :) . Cool guys. I've PM you about some things too. Thanks man!



Well I started the car today :D . It was exciting hearing it run. But like NitroDave told me..it smoked like a cheminy :lol: . Well apperently somehow the downpipe and uppipe had disconected from eachother so it was a bit noisy. All the smoke is from the shot turbo. I also noticed some sparks leaking form the coils. They are all going to be replaced since they are all craked. Kinda strange :?: . I also noticed that the rear bank of the master cylinder was empty..well I put some brake fluid and the PM started to work. It was stiff before..but now it seems to work. I think it might be craked. I'll see if I can fab a plate to patch it. The good...the HUD works! Awsome, absolutly awsome!

I'll keep poking around at it till I figure what I need to buy and what needs refreshing.


Heres some pics so far. http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/530941/4

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