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AMSOil Test Results after 10,000 miles of use

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Some of you may remeber I decided to see how long high grade race oil really lasts. To that end I picked up a case of AMSOil 5w30 and 5 AMSOil filters. I have not changed the oil since I put it in (now 11,000 miles). I changed the filter at 5,000 miles and topped off the oil as neccassary.


At 10,000 miles I changed the filter again and before I changed the filter I took a sample and sent it off to Oil Analyzers inc to see the condition of the oil after 10,000 miles.


Here are the results:


Miles on Engine: 64,000

Miles on Oil: 10,000


Iron: 14

Chromium: 0

Lead: 4

Copper: 25

Tin: 0

Aluminum: 3

Nickel: 11

Silver: 0

Silicon: 26

Boron: 23

Sodium: 20

Magnesium: 463

Calcium: 2981

Barium: 0

Phosphorus: 1096

Zinc: 1281

Molybdenum: 8

Titanium: 0

Vandium: 0

Potassium: 0


Fuel (% by vol): <1%

Vis @ 40C: N/A

Vis @ 100C: 10.84 (SAE Grade 30 min 9.3, max 12.5)

Water (% by vol): 0%

Soot/Solids: N/A

Glycol: Negative


TBN: 8.9 (Oil should be changed at a TBN of around 2)

OXID: 14.0

NITR: 13.0

Change: No


Analysis Recommendations: No corrective action required. Oil is suitable for continued use. Resample at next regular interval.


The oil itself is a very dark amber at this point but still quite clean as the test results show.


So far im looking good and have only used about 6 1/2-7 quarts total and Im on my 3rd oil filter. It is so much more convient to just have to change the filter every 5k.


I think Ill send in for another test when I have about 18,000 miles on the oil and see where it is at.


Its defientaly true that when using a high grade syn oil that you are wasting money by changing your oil every 3,000 miles.


Makes perfect sense to me. We did the same thing with our Quincy air compressors and vacuum pumps where I used to work. We used a synthetic compressor oil that was clear when new, and turned dark purple when it was nearing the end of its usefullness. I would change the filter only every 1200 hours and draw a sample to send off for analasys. Usually the oil would last close to 18 months with frequent filter changes, and that was with round the clock usage...


So getting back to the AMSOIL. Could it be said that it's imperative you run the motor up to full operating temp and drive for more than 5 miles in order to fully burn off the moisture and fuel at all times? I would suspect, just like with regular oil, lots of short trips would greatly shorten the oil change intervals...


I would imagine so, I dont do a lot of short trips since I live at least 20miles from just about everything. I am very hard on the engine though (lead foot) and also spend a good 1.5-2 hours a day sitting in traffic.


It is my understanding as well that the key to good oil life is good filtration which is why I went with the AMSOil filter and to change it every 5k (though I could prob push that longer).


I am considering adding a 2nd bypass filter as well to further improve filtration. Think it would be worth while?

I am considering adding a 2nd bypass filter as well to further improve filtration. Think it would be worth while?


From a peace of mind point of view sure. But, juding from the numbers you've posted I wouldn't bother, I don't know if those concentrations are in ppm or ppb, but all of them are so low that it doesn't matter anyways. The only minor concerns are the Zinc and Calcium levels, so you'd have to do some research to find out if those levels are appropriate for your engine, and if they aren't you'd need to find out where they come from typically. Even then the test doesn't state whether its looking for ionic actives of those elements or if its looking for the pure state element so its hard to give good advice here.


I thought of that myself comparing to these results:




My numbers are better on just about every aspect with the exception of those 2 factors. Ive been digging around but have yet to find anyone who has done an oil test on the 3400.


Unfortunatly the report does not state what scale the measurements are in though I believe ppm may be the standard. I signed on to thier online system which supposedly has more information.


have royal purple in there now, I have a case of AMSOil tranny oil im saving for when I do the T65 swap (I have the trans just need to buy the LSD, gears and shift kit)


AMSOIL is only $5.50 a quart!!! Heck, I pay almost $5/qt. for the Quaker State full synthetic. I may as well spend the extra $3 and get AMSOIL, the problem is I have no idea who sells it in my area.


... you may be able to get away with that on a 64,000 mile engine, but I'm sure you couldn't do that on a 120k mile engine - unless you rebuild the whole thing, new pistons and all.


I'm still very wary of test results like this, being as I've seen testing done with many different oils, all on fresh, no load engines run at 1k hours each.


Now, what do all those numbers represent?


like the ammount of copper, silicon, lead, and silver?




Good numbers! Some of the AMSOIL marketing literature claims that an individual ran a 1990 or 1992 Lumina 3.1 for 34k miles on a fill of AMSOIL 5W-30 with still acceptable UOA results.


From my time reading bobistheoilguy.com and the UOA's posted there, I'm not convinced the AMSOIL oil is really any better than any of the other PAO based synthetics such as Mobil1, Esso XD-3, etc., so its very realistic to achieve good results with pretty much any good synthetic oil without paying the AMSOIL/Redline/Royal Purple/etc. prices.


Roughly 5000 miles on my Mobil1 now, and am switching to Esso XD-3 0W30 full synthetic as top-up oil for the winter on a 3.1 with 67k miles. After 5k miles, the oil still looks brand new, so I must be doing something right. Gotta keep watching for evidence of cooling ingress however!


I agree that you could most likely get the same results with any good syn oil. Though I got AMSoil for 4.75 a qt and thats about what I've paid for Mobile1 in the past so I figure why not.


I noticed right after the change that AMSOil tends to run cooler than Mobile1 but this difference only lasted for the first 5k or so. Then it was just like Mobile1 as far as heat goes.


Dave each of those numbers are indicators of things like oil addatives and engine wear. There are a few guides online that explain what each number means. I figured with all your research you would know that.


Damn 5 bucks a quart :shock: I guess thats bc its full synthetic, im paying 1.99 a quart of Valvoline Max Life. When i did my first oil change in the buick the oil that came out did not loook good so im going to start changing the oil every 3,000.


a lot of the oil quality is determined by the grade you use as well as the type of filter. Ive found filtration is key in keeping the oil good.


Ive always used full syn in the monte (normally moble1) but changed it ever 3k miles just like everyone else. Which with a half way decent filter cost almost $40 each time. At this point im close to 12,000 miles on the same oil. Heres some interesting math:


$40 * 4 oil changes (one every 3k) = $160

7 quarts of AMSOil * $4.75 per qt = $33.25 + $11 per AMSOil Filter * 3 filters = $66.25


Thats a savings of almost $100 :shock: 8)


$40 for a regular oil change?


how bout $10 if you do it yourself. 10x4 = $40 - vs the $66 of amsoil.


when i had my 97 chevy 1500 i used to run the royal purple and change once a year(roughly 27k miles per oil change) with a filter change at 9k.

$40 for a regular oil change?


how bout $10 if you do it yourself. 10x4 = $40 - vs the $66 of amsoil.


when i had my 97 chevy 1500 i used to run the royal purple and change once a year(roughly 27k miles per oil change) with a filter change at 9k.


yes but I have NEVER used cheap oil or the 1.69 filters. If you use the cheapest oil availble and the cheapest filters as well over the course of term it may be cheaper and thats your choice.


Then again I have more into this car than most have into thier w-bodies and I intend on keeping her for a looong time (though im not sure if this engine will be in here much longer :wink: )


I would never go 27k miles without an oil change. Your oil is a key factor in your engine and i think ill stick with the every 3,000. And an oil change for me cost 13 bucks.


I change my oil like at least 5-6000 kms I use quaker state peak performance and 4$ motomaster filter, never had a problem

this thread is going to turn into a pissing contest


nope because im not going to argue, if you want to change your oik every 3k, thats fine by me, im not telling you what to do. If you think my engine will explode from bad oil thats your pergroative. Fact is I'm following the same procedure for testing and analysis that race teams do to determine thier oil change intervals not to mention a pratice that is followed by almost every major industry for their machines that use oil for a lubricant worldwide. Im posting this information for those who are intrested which I know when I first mentioned this I had a lot of people jump down my throat.


Oddly enough this is the only forum I have posted this on where people are acting like this. As most other forums people know better :roll:

this thread is going to turn into a pissing contest


nope because im not going to argue, if you want to change your oik every 3k, thats fine by me, im not telling you what to do. If you think my engine will explode from bad oil thats your pergroative. Fact is I'm following the same procedure for testing and analysis that race teams do to determine thier oil change intervals not to mention a pratice that is followed by almost every major industry for their machines that use oil for a lubricant worldwide. Im posting this information for those who are intrested which I know when I first mentioned this I had a lot of people jump down my throat.


Oddly enough this is the only forum I have posted this on where people are acting like this. As most other forums people know better :roll:


maybe it's because we drive worthless cars and they're not worth expensive ass oil changes



anyways, i said nothing in this thread about my oil preferences. don't shit on me, i just made a prediction which is probably right.

Then again I have more into this car than most have into thier w-bodies and I intend on keeping her for a looong time (though im not sure if this engine will be in here much longer )


wait a second here...you told me to put a 3400 in my cutty...now you're gonna get rid of your's?...that kinda makes me wonder... :roll:



maybe it's because we drive worthless cars and they're not worth expensive ass oil changes



anyways, i said nothing in this thread about my oil preferences. don't shit on me, i just made a prediction which is probably right.


I wasnt talking about you I was mentioning the others, but responding to your comment about it turning into a pissing match, lets stay on the subject please.


If you think your car is such a POS why waste time on a board talking about it so much? I personally love my W, will never get rid of it, and it will become my nice weekend car eventually once its all done.


So maybe this thread is for those who care about thier car as much as I do and are intrested in giving thier POS the very best.



If you think your car is such a POS why waste time on a board talking about it so much? I personally love my W, will never get rid of it, and it will become my nice weekend car eventually once its all done.


So maybe this thread is for those who care about thier car as much as I do and are intrested in giving thier POS the very best.


No fucking shit! :withstupid:


i stay here because once you get past the shit list of w-body.com assholes there's quite a few good people here who will help out when i have a problem

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