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well today was my trip from St. Louis to Hannibal ~110miles.. i get into town Hannibal its been raining for the past 20miles and i stop at my gf house befor i go home.. car sits for umm 3.5-4hours so then i get in and start it everything is fine and i drive away and i get onto the road and punch it.. 3k, 4k UhHH 3k 4k UHHH wtf! My car sounded SICK! i get back on the highway to make the last 5 miles home and i cant drove over 3.5k rpms without the car cutting out BAD. i get hom pit it in nutral and it acts like it has a 4k rev limiter but ill chopp its way up to 5k very sick 5k i might add. in park i didnt notice any differnece b/c the rev limiter is 4k anyway. What could cause this problem. everything was intaked after and under hood inspection.. not to mention dry. It idled fine and i had a full 14.1 volts no fuxuation.


i let the car sit for 20min and got in and started it .. the problem went away:confused: .. but im sure it will be back when im on my trip to st. louis or where i most definatly dont want it to happen.


at first i thought coil pack giving out,, then i was thinking crank sensor.. then i was thinking bad plugs and wires..(only 10k miles on both) but the car idels good and will rev under 4k just like normal.. any imput is good here.. anyone think fuel pump or injectors? most everything is stock with over 175000 miles, IAC is new so thats not it

maybe just got a bit of moisture up in the engine somewhere?


maybe but in either case it got there and could again..

it cant be the intake there is 2 straite or near strait down sections and the air filter is protected from puddles etc...


and if it was water why would it only cutout after 3800+rpms and run fine at the lower..


Rain related drivability problems are usually caused by bad plug wires or a coil that's either cracked or badly carbon-tracked.


Might have just been coincidence that it happened while it was raining, but if it happens every time it rains heavily or you drive through a puddle, plug wires and coils are the first place to check.


lol thanks for the edit in the title. lol


i changed the fuel filter today and i check the wires and they all seemed fine.. If it wasnt the fuel filter i might very well be a coil pack. i will get a closer look tomarrow morning.



This is the first time its happend and rain hasnt really been an issue befor

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