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WTF does this noise mean.. 100% dependant on RPM's.. as I accelerate, there is a whistling noise coming from somewhere. As I let off the gas, the noise gets louder, then subsides as the RPM's settle.

I cannot replicate the problem with the transaxle in park or with the car stationary, ie I can't get under the hood to track it down.

electrical interference?


No it's definately not electrical. It sounds like a vacuum leak.. a REALLY bad one, but all is well in that area. It is tough to put a word to it.. an 'airy whistle'? :?


probably a leaky hose from your HVAC system, does the sound change when you chage the selections on there?



probably a leaky hose from your HVAC system, does the sound change when you chage the selections on there?




Not a bit.


I don't have an intake. I chopped the f*ck out of it this summer.. cooler air this fall somehow louder?

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