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hey guys I just found out about the paper clip trick, so I did it and I got a code 32, which is a vaccum leak/egr faluire. now in march my car didnt pass the emisions test and we had to get computer danostic, and it said basicaly a code 32 on what needed to be done. the engine light comtimes stays on alot or somtimes only comes on once a week. the engine runs fine. can somone tell me exactly what a code will cause is it harmfull cause worse gas milage or anything? they said sraight time for the leak and like 300$ for the egr?????


sounds about right, new EGRs are pricey. Hit up http://www.60degreev6.com someone is selling one in thier classifieds I saw today.


It may be the egr failing or it could simply be the gaskets have worn down and it is leaking. The older style egrs (Pre-2000) are a dumb desgin and are prone to leaks.


You can also technically rebuild your EGR as most of the time its only one or 2 of the solenoids (there are 3 total) that stick due to carbon build up. Ive heard of a few people dismantiling them, cleaning them up and putting the back together with no problems. So you may want to try that. I remeber running across a how to on it but I cant remeber where now.


As far as running youll lose some MPG but nothing major (like 1-2mpg) and you may notice a slightly higher operating temp (not generally noticable on the POS stock temp gauge)


It doesnt really hurt the engine or anything else unless there is a big vac leak becasue of it and even then it wont kill anything.


ok well as long as its not gonan hurt anythign its fine then, but uhh what exacly does it do anyway?


EGR just recirculates exhaust back into the intake to reduce NOx emisions.

I would love to find some instructions on how to rebuild the EGR.


I guess that is whats wrong with the car, th eemissions test the no xwas max like 500 and my car was ruinning like 1500, I guess its messed up, btw what does that have to do with the vacumme?


Could also be the ports on the intake manifold where it goes to the EGR is plugged up. I'd suggest cleaning that out before spending that much money on a new EGR.

EGR just recirculates exhaust back into the intake to reduce NOx emisions.

I would love to find some instructions on how to rebuild the EGR.



Now that I think about it, I think the rebuild procedure is in the GM tech manuals (the 2 big bibles on your car). I have them at home. Ill see if I can find it in there.


IIRC its a pretty simple little toy, 3 solenoids in a triangle configuration. Its all held together by that single torx (i think) bit on the top.

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