terryk2003 Posted October 6, 2004 Author Report Posted October 6, 2004 ...damn...i wasn't trying to start a fight...i was simply wanting to know who's 3100 was fast (IN A W-BODY)...and what kind of mods were done to get it there...we know have 3 pages of people fighting back and forth and not really much of an answer to the question...all i have to say is...CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?
manitcor Posted October 6, 2004 Report Posted October 6, 2004 if you LOOKed on that website i think it tells you what all his car has had done to it so either really look through that website before you start bs like that first post or don't post what website the one posted after my comment? all I had to go on was Taylor says: One year ago, before I put in the headers, valve springs, pushrods, and got the tuning done, I ran a 15.8. That was with a complete interior and a full tank of gas. Theres no link and Im stting here going WTF is taylor??? Then I get hit with a link to a video that is obviously POST spring and other mods just from the sound of the engine and the shift points. That tells me what about the 15.8? Umm nothing I should be posting the dunce pic for you but that kinda shit is a waste. And yes why cant we all just get along, it does sound like this Taylor guy has one of the fastest if not fastest NA 3100s around.
cutlsp Posted October 6, 2004 Report Posted October 6, 2004 if you LOOKed on that website i think it tells you what all his car has had done to it so either really look through that website before you start bs like that first post or don't post what website the one posted after my comment? all I had to go on was Taylor says: One year ago, before I put in the headers, valve springs, pushrods, and got the tuning done, I ran a 15.8. That was with a complete interior and a full tank of gas. Theres no link and Im stting here going WTF is taylor??? Then I get hit with a link to a video that is obviously POST spring and other mods just from the sound of the engine and the shift points. That tells me what about the 15.8? Umm nothing I should be posting the dunce pic for you but that kinda shit is a waste. And yes why cant we all just get along, it does sound like this Taylor guy has one of the fastest if not fastest NA 3100s around. you know what you are stupid because you thought me at 6'1" would drive a fucking J-body i won't drive a car i can barely get into
sl3196 Posted October 6, 2004 Report Posted October 6, 2004 Why don't you dipshits knock it off before this gets locked.
manitcor Posted October 6, 2004 Report Posted October 6, 2004 ok so a CAM prob port work (if your gonna deburr and clean up I imagine he port matched) and a 62mm TB. Now thats a bit more believeable as far as a 15.8 goes with those mods. Not a bad job from the looks of it. See now if this info was provided in the first place a whole argument could have been avoided. Hell thats all I was asking for, you could have given me this link and I would have shut up immideatly. Instead you or rather your buddy wanted to start a war. Why? I dunno, maybe someone peed in his cheerios this morning. As a side note I guess something Taylor may find intresting since he lables his engine an MPFI since he is using an older PCM this is very true. SFI is only a mode used on the newer PCMs during cruise, idle and other low load conditions. The newer PCMs actually swtich to MPFI mode when you go WOT becasue MPFI provides better fuel delievery under high load. SFI is just for fuel economy. Not really on topic but I figured he might find it interesting none-the-less.
manitcor Posted October 6, 2004 Report Posted October 6, 2004 you know what you are stupid because you thought me at 6'1" would drive a fucking J-body i won't drive a car i can barely get into please just shut-up your GTP driving buddy handled the situation nicely
THe_DeTAiL3R Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 After skimming those last 2 pages... cutlsp please STFU you sound like an ass!! Manicor you aren't helping the situation aswell.. as it is 2 pages already. Anyway I'm out B4tehLok
93CutlassSupreme Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 i wanna hit this shit. i'm in before the lock
94CutlassSLCoupe Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 ok...I will say something...looks like I have THE FASTEST STOCK W-BODY 3100 IN THIS POST There, I'm done
EurosportZ34 Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 hrmmmm....correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think they ever made a fast 3100! at least start the thread with something faster than a 3100...hell a 3400 would be something to START it with. (that one's for manitcor ) but come on, unless you really stick alot of dough into it it isn't going to break into the times of the other faster engines.
93CutlassSupreme Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 hrmmmm....correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think they ever made a fast 3100! at least start the thread with something faster than a 3100...hell a 3400 would be something to START it with. (that one's for manitcor )but come on, unless you really stick alot of dough into it it isn't going to break into the times of the other faster engines. a 3400 feels notacibly quicker than a 3100
EurosportZ34 Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 hehehehe....this thread is going no where.
93CutlassSupreme Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 i took a major shit earlier today
Canada Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 The only bolt-ons you should really considered for a 3x00...... -UDP -CAI -Exhaust.......2.25" or 2.5"......as long as its mandrel bent with a high flow cat and a straight through muffler.....its good. -PCM......better shift points and no governor. -Headers......they made 18 whp on a 99+ GAGT. Everything else..........plugs, wires, coil packs, injectors, fuel regulator, fuel pump, ported intake manifolds and heads, ported (or larger) TB...........its all worthless............AC Delco ignition parts are quite superior. A friend of mine with a 95 Z26 actually ran noticeably slower at the track with Accel coils. For your fuel system............if in fact you are running lean, the oxygen sensor see this, and the PCM will bring up the injector pulse width (add more fuel) to accomdate things. It will also work the other way.....lets say you raise fuel pressure by 10 psi........this will cause the motor to run rich, which will be seen by the O2 sensor.......and the PCM will lower injector pulse width. This applies to 99% of this board.......once you start using nitrous or add forced induction, things change. Ported intake manifolds and heads? They make power.......about 8 whp..........but all that ported stuff from either RSM Racing or Street Arsenal costs WELL over $1k (more than the headers from The Other Guys).
slick Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 The only bolt-ons you should really considered for a 3x00...... blah blah blah WERD!!
Canada Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 Now that I think about it...... I guess I see one TB worth while..........the 56 mm 3400 TB.....makes about 0.5 whp and can be had CHEAP from the junkyard.
Canada Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 this vid was taken a few weeks ago watch the tach and say that taylor's car is a slow one. i can see why taylor doesn't like w-body.com people much http://www.3100mpfi.com/images/highrpm.AVI that is taylor's cutlass fyi he hit 104mph before he took his foot off the gas :shock: I'm coming back into this conversation a bit late...... I see a car (that gold thing) with a goofy looking airbox that won't feed the BIG TB, reground cam, and high (???) compression pistons with enough air. Throw in a set of headers (are his a modified set of TOG headers?) and exhaust that may or may not worth the aluminized metal its made out of. Top it off with a PCM that appears to, at least me, to be shifting to high.....and a set of 3.43 gears. So, potential for speed? Maybe. Heres the thing...I watched the video....going off the counter, in about 16 seconds he hits about 85 mph....and guess what? To run 16.0, you need to trap at about 85 mph............you know what this means to me? He runs (ABOUT) 16.0 @ 85 mph. Someone said he stops at 104 in the video BUT, at least in the verison I have,.........it appears if he stops at 90 mph or a hair over......19 seconds into the video. Look at the Beretta's trap speed and ET.....seems to me my Beretta can hit 90 in no more than 15.2XX seconds. Guess the gold thing isn't so quick afterall.
Canada Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 I do think so................... Are there any time slips or dyno charts to prove that cars power? I sure haven't seen it........the only documentation around is a poor quality video of it shifting at 7k (which, until proven otherwise by a dyno, is idiotic......6500 rpm *might* be ideal). Here is a clip of *my* governor run........ http://www.ericm555.d2g.com/pics/matt/Canada%203400%20Governor%20Run.wmv I launch approxmently 2 seconds into the video.......and am at 85 mph at about 17 seconds in the video.....~15 seconds 0-85 mph. Until the owner of that car makes his way to the track, its simply a white trash W-body that revs to 7k for no apparent reason. How fast do you guys think that gold car is?
manitcor Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 it might be fast, it might not be, though I would wager that its hitting somewhere around 15.5 possibily. Porting makes a difference but I sure as hell wouldnt have Dr Speed or street arsenal do it as it can be found cheaper if you can find a competent machine shop in your area. Shifting at 7k isint odd considering it has a cam and springs, springs alone will push it to 6500. A hotter cam could push it higher. Of course the question is: Is it really worth it? The only way to know for sure is a few dyno runs to see how much drop off your getting after 5500-6000 rpms. (A butt dyno doesnt tell you too much) And yes I dropped the 3400 after I blew up the turboed 3100 I had in there. There is no replacement for displacement and I dont like the 90* engines so the 3400 is the way to go. The 20 extra ponies and torque is certainly noticeable. Only thing Im hurting from is the PCM. While a 3100 PCM can run a 3400, your not getting the poetential out of the engine you should becasue the 3400s use larger injectors and the tune is more agressive. I plan to fix that with an ODBII upgrade some 22.5lb injectors and a DHP (already have most of the parts, just need to build the trans)
jeremy Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 Heres the thing...I watched the video....going off the counter, in about 16 seconds he hits about 85 mph....and guess what? To run 16.0, you need to trap at about 85 mph............you know what this means to me? He runs (ABOUT) 16.0 @ 85 mph. Look at the Beretta's trap speed and ET.....seems to me my Beretta can hit 90 in no more than 15.2XX seconds. Guess the gold thing isn't so quick afterall. Until the owner of that car makes his way to the track, its simply a white trash W-body that revs to 7k for no apparent reason. not to nitpick, but comparing performance a beretta with a 3100 to a w-body with a 3100 is comparing apples to oranges. I do however agree with you though that before someone claims that a car is "fast" or can do a 1/4 mile in X.XX seconds that they should have a slip to back it up. ....that being said your last comment that I quoted made me chuckle.....a beretta owner calling someone else's car "white trash"
sonyman87 Posted October 7, 2004 Report Posted October 7, 2004 what a pissing match.. the the question on MasterJackos mods i believe he has a DHP pcm ffp UD pully, P&P + cai Intake, exaust(headers).. completely gutted interior.. there might be more but i dont know
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