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Voltmeter/voltage Question


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My digital read out shows a total of 10 bars, the top and bottom two being red, 8 to 18 volts. The normal mid-range is 5 bars (counting the 2 red ones) Sometimes when it's hot out the bars will drop down to 3, especially if my PMIII anti-loc brake pump kicks in. But in the evening it's always back to 5 bars. If I hit the parking lights on..it will usually go up to 4 bars.

The rebuilt alternator is about three years old and the battery (interstate) is one year old.

Winter is coming and it should stay up but is this a sign of alternator failure or fairly normal? I never had these worries before getting the full digital dash.

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That could be a sign of a weakening alternator, however, I would start by checking grounds/connections first to see if they're clean/tight. Check the remote positive terminal to see if it's loose. I've worked on two Regals in the past few months that have had loose connections there that would cause all types of problems(screwy gauge readings, illuminated airbag dash light, no start condtions, certain radio functions not working from time to time, etc..).

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Its just showing you system voltage.....


Sounds like every bar represents 1 volt....that said, 5 bars would be 13 volts.......very normal.


With a load, system voltage is dropping down to 11 volts........could be 11.1......could be 11.9.......thats still very typical.


If you are nervous, have your alternator output checked by a local part store.....most do it for free.

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Check the remote positive terminal to see if it's loose.

I second that. The terminal worked loose on my Regal and the damn thing died on me on the highway. I was getting the ABS light on all the time, but since I tightened it down it hasn't shown its face :D . Now I check the tightness of that terminal every time I gas up my car...

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