1990lumina Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 Hey everyone. I went to all the salvage yards in my area yesterday and found a factory cd player for my Lumina. The guy at the yard let me try it out so I pluged it in and the radio sounded really good actually, alot more powerful then the cassette version. Anyway, I forgot to bring a cd to test the cd player :x so I asl the guy there if he had a cd so I could test the player out. He gave me one, but it was really scrathced up and he said it might not work, but whatever, I might as well try since I didn't bring one with me. I put it in, and sure enough it didn't work. I heard a high pitch beeping sound in the speakers, but I thought well it is scratched so I guess this is why it is not working. So I went back and bought the cd player for $150 CAN. I got it home, cleaned up the exterior as it was coated with dust. Connected it all up, and installed it in my Lumina. I went and got a cd and put it in, this one was perfect, no scratches. DAMNIT it didn't play, sucked in my cd and then started making that high pitched beeping through the speakers again. Since it is guaranteed to work I took it back (5 min drive) and I told the guy this thing won't read my cds. He said well okay I'll refund you, but I told him, these are really hard to find here, so do you think I could get it fixed. He said okay, give me $20 for it and take it away. So I did, thinking the cd lens is probably dirty so something easy. I took it all apart last night, cleaned the lens, it wasn't to dirty, but what the hell, I had the whole thing stripped right down. The lens an the motor that spins the cd are all one unit so I removed that from the player to look at it easier. I found I couldn't move the lens mechanis by hand, so I thoguht it is jammed. Ayway, I got it free, cleaned it up, checked all ribbons and wiring, all was good, so I put it together and connected it to my car. Same thing, high pitched beeping, but when I put in the cd I could hear the lens moving reading the table of contents, and track one came on the display, then right as I thought, yay! I fixed it, "ERR" came up on the display. So I don't know what to do. I barely payed anything for it, should I get it fixed as I'll never find another one. Anyone have any ideas what is wrong? Is the laser pickup broken and needs replacing? I have no idea. Radio sounds so good! Thanks for replies helping me fix this cd player. Thanks again - Jeff L. Quote
Guest Anonymous Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 PM LukeZ34. He should know what's wrong. He can probably tell you where to get parts. Quote
WhiteOut Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 The CD player in my Trofeo had the same exact problem. I ended up sending it to a guy on the other side of the state in Saginaw who took a look at it and said that the laser was dead. He wanted something $200 to fix it, so I said screw it and had him send it back to me. Granted that that particular CD player was a remote unit and a tad more rare than the one in you Lumina I'd imagine it will still cost and arm and a leg to fix. I'd give up on that particular unit and keep my eyes open for another. Quote
DiscoStudd Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 I'm just curious, is it important to you to keep your Lumina all stock? If it is, then I can understand why you'd go with a stock CD player. If you have your heart set on one that works without any problems, scan eBay. I'm sure you could find one for cheap, seeing as Delco decks are a dime a dozen these days. If you aren't too picky about stock appearance, then most definitely invest your hard-earned money in an aftermarket headunit. Prices are very affordable for even the most "fully loaded" name-brand decks (the barebones ones are unbelievably cheap as well.) I'm just thinking in terms of "this guy's dropping a buck fifty on a stock deck that doesn't work and it's gonna cost upwards of 2 bills to fix :shock: ." If it were my money, I'd buy a top-end MP3 compatible HU instead of dropping it on a decade-old stock deck, but that's just me ... Regardless of what you decide, good luck. Quote
WhiteOut Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 I should have also mentioned the fact that my Trofeo was equipped a touch screen DIS system that controlled the radio, climate, etc...so getting the stock remote CD unit fixed was my only option assuming I wanted to both listen to CD's and still be able to use the climate control. Obviously you have other options. Quote
HokemBokem Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 Im with Discostudd, an aftermarket deck will be a lot better and it will be brand new so it will last a long time. When i first bought my regal the cd player didnt work so just recently i got an aiwa deck that works great. Quote
digitaloutsider Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 My factory Lumina deck does the same thing. The CD mechanism is shot. If you fuck with it for about 15 minutes (turning it off until it clicks and then turning it back on) it'll slowly start working. It's a small price to pay to listen to my CD's and have a stock look. Aftermarket decks look like trash in 88-93 W-bodies (88-94 for Luminas), and I simply don't have the money to fix my deck. Quote
Guest BeausoleilRacing Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 I'm still looking for a couple of stock CD players to buy... (I know, not the classifieds, but no one seems to have any to sell... ) Quote
bluegp Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 If staying with the stock style, eBay is the place to get them. There are many to choose from and if you keep watching, you can get one fairly cheap. Of course, you are taking a chance that the seller is dishonest about the player's functionality. I don't know 100%, but I think the whole CD mechanism can be swapped for another (like if you find a deal on a different style Delco deck or even a slave deck). Quote
LukeZ34 Posted October 3, 2004 Report Posted October 3, 2004 . I don't know 100%, but I think the whole CD mechanism can be swapped for another (like if you find a deal on a different style Delco deck or even a slave deck). Not all of them.. Some of them use different cables to connect the mechanism to the board. For example, I tried to swap a Cd mechanism from a 1997 GP CD Player, to one in a 99, and the connection cables were completely different. Plus, even getting a used one, it's probably not going to last for long. Quote
Kalgorn Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 My factory Lumina deck does the same thing. The CD mechanism is shot. If you fuck with it for about 15 minutes (turning it off until it clicks and then turning it back on) it'll slowly start working. It's a small price to pay to listen to my CD's and have a stock look. Aftermarket decks look like trash in 88-93 W-bodies (88-94 for Luminas), and I simply don't have the money to fix my deck. That is in no way true with all aftermarket decks. This is mine: Quote
digitaloutsider Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 My factory Lumina deck does the same thing. The CD mechanism is shot. If you fuck with it for about 15 minutes (turning it off until it clicks and then turning it back on) it'll slowly start working. It's a small price to pay to listen to my CD's and have a stock look. Aftermarket decks look like trash in 88-93 W-bodies (88-94 for Luminas), and I simply don't have the money to fix my deck. That is in no way true with all aftermarket decks. This is mine: Okay, you've got an exception to the rule. Quote
Kalgorn Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 If I think about it tomorrow I'll take a picture of it further away to show you how well it looks with the rest of the interior. Quote
digitaloutsider Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 All I was saying was, for the most part*, 1 din aftermarket systems look horrible in GM's 1.5 din dashes. * = There ARE exceptions. Quote
LukeZ34 Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 The only way I ever liked 1 Din decks in a 1.5 din opening is if it could be flush mounted. I'd love to do that with the TGP, but I have a feeling with the way the dash is, that's not going to be easily done. That 1.5 Din Pioneer I had in my Lumina looked great. Quote
cutlsp Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 seems like i need to take a pic of my cutlass showing that i mounted my head unit someplace else Quote
holstbnet Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 I'm with the stock radio crowd, I really don't like the look of any aftermarkets because they don't match the rest of the dash controls or backlighting usually, and are too "busy" -- But I guess if you are a real audiophile you do have to swap the headunit for an aftermarket. Anyways, in regards to the original problem -- that cd player assembly CAN be swapped out for a working one. I know they changed a lot but actually that radio for your Lumina was basically identical to the head units used by a dozen other GM cars in the early to mid 90's (such as Cavalier, Beretta, Corsica, Grand Prix, Trans Sport, many Buicks, etc) -- I have a BRAND new one in my 96 Z26 that I bought from an OEM stereo repair center near me. It's not worth the expense to pay someone to fix that thing.. Just keep a watch on eBay and find one there, even if the face doesn't quite match (as long as it is the same style with the bottom feed and the row of buttons below it, with that whole section sticking out slightly) OR, if nothing else, switch to a newer Delco Theftlock like I did on my other Beretta! Quote
jeremy Posted October 4, 2004 Report Posted October 4, 2004 I gave a Buick CD/Cassette combo away to GP1138 because the CD player was "tempremental" and I know to get the stock mechanism fixed normally runs ~$150-200.... ...you would be better off buying a reconditioned one from eBay if you are determined to keep the stock one.... Quote
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