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OE shift point?

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what RPM should i be @ in 3rd gear @ WOT, when i shift from 2nd-3rd? for exmp. i go upto 6500 rpm in 2nd and drop down to 5000 in 3rd. The reason i bring this up is I reach my max RPM in third @6600 @ 115. But, with my stock PCM i reach 117(gov)mph @ 4500(guessing). I know a 97 MC had a DHP PCM insttalled but they didnt really mess w/his shift points but took of the speed govenor and he can hit the Peg. and still pulling hard.


Ok, So bascily iam not shifting into 4th and thats why i cant get faster then 115.

Ok, So bascily iam not shifting into 4th and thats why i cant get faster then 115.


in stock od you will be at 4500rpms in 4th gear at 115mph

in stock d you will be at 6k+rpms at 115mph i think you can get to 125mph in 3rd at rev limiter if you can reach it if you dotn haev a rev limiter you can shift into OD to get 4th gear if you cant get that fast then your car just dosnt have the performance options or just plain and simple to get there.


if you watch my governer run i believe i was doing about 125mph in that video see how long it takes to get there. yes that was 3rd gear speedo and tack were off. 115mph = 125mph ruffly

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