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Ok from my post here http://www.w-body.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21141 there is a video of me doing a governer run.


well i was driving by those roadside signes that tell you your speed. its a 55mph zone so i did 55 and the meter jumped between 55 and 56mph so great my speedo is working fine.. so i do 67mph by it and it reads 73! wtf figure it was a glich i do it again 68mph and it read 75mph! well.. this explains the times i thought i was doing 65-68 and was told i was doing 73+ by the officers of the law...


so my speedo goes

55 is 55mph

63 is 65mph

65 is 69mph

69 is 75mph

god only know my speed in that video clip.. and im to poor to go buy a GPS just to find out my speed.


Dose anyone know how to figure your speed by the RPMs of the car and wheel size? 225 60r 16. This is the 95version of the LQ1 and 4t60trany..


i know that 1st is 3.43 2nd? 3rd drect drive? 4th 2.43??? someone wanna help here i cant access the trany info b/c of a firewall issue.


anyone car to add any info? like what speed would i be going if i was in 3rd gear at 6000rpms? 6500rpm or even 6950rpms?


and yes my tach is about 500rpms off by 7000rpms


I don't think there is a way to check your speed using your tach, because you don't know how much your tach is off by. You could even have a sticky speedo. I would suggest that you find a shop that can recalibrate speedos and get that done.

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