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vacuum hose routing


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can anyone show me apic or something of how the vacuum hoses are routed? the ones that are right by the battery is what i need. also is the brake boster different from 90 to 93? the hose that hooks to my brake booster doesn't quite seem to reach.

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I can help you with the Cutlass Supreme, 1992. Let me know and i will draw you some diagrams from info i gleaned when i was up to the task of fixing my autothrottle.

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Okay, well, from the engine, there is a line coming off the throttle body, which gets routed towards the battery. This fits into a little doohickey that is cylindrical in shape and has a T splitter on the end.


From the T splitter, one part goes a short distance to the autothrottle vacuum actuator, while the other is routed around the battery and down into a spherical vacuum reservoir that is located just aft of the front bumper. You will probably have to unscrew an access panel to reach the vacuum reservoir.


The little doohickey near the battery, with the T splitter has a tendency to crack and leak, but they are available abundantly in the junkyard, so no need to fear -- just pocket one at your next visit.

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